Weather this weekend


Oct 14, 2002
South Florida
Wow - just looked on Yahoo weather and saw that at night, it's due to dip into the 50's this weekend. Guess I better throw a sweatshirt and a light jacket in my bag for the hell of it.

(living in south florida, I wear a jacket about once every two years or so.... :loco: so I have to remind myself to consider weather if I am traveling.....)
It's been cooling down lately...has been unseasonably HOT. If you stay in Emeryville or Berkeley, you're right in the path of the huge chunk of fog that often pushes into the bay. It's quite a sight, but ya definitely need a jacket for those bay breezes! Can't wait to meet you all Fri and Sat!

via self-heating dragon
I'm in the midst of doing laundry and packing - thought I'd check the forum one last time. Have to be up at 4:00 am - catch a ride with a buddy for my 6:20 am flight (ouch!)

But it's worth it!

Thanks for the weather (and the FOG) info - looking forward to meeting you guys tomorrow night!
[Should be classic at the Ale House when people first walk in - unsure about exactly who the heck they;r elooking for - guess I'll just look for band members since I'll know what they look like! :tickled: Figure if I wear my prized Dream Theater jersey, I'll be easy enough to spot by anyone else!]

10 hours till liftoff!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Burke said:
Should be classic at the Ale House when people first walk in - unsure about exactly who the heck they;r elooking for - guess I'll just look for band members since I'll know what they look like! :tickled: Figure if I wear my prized Dream Theater jersey, I'll be easy enough to spot by anyone else!]

10 hours till liftoff!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Well, we're almost there! Less than 24 hours from now, the Enchanted will gather. I just wish EVERYONE could attend...feeling VERY fortunate to be living here just now! If it's as cool tomorrow night as it is tonight, I can be spotted in my black jacket with a (what else!:loco: ) dragon on it. Cannot wait!!!

via dragon-wagon...anyone need a ride from the Oakland airport??(I don't do SF)??? email me!
lol...wish I had seen that post sooner, Via...I came in during rush hour and left the taxi almost $50 poorer. *hacks up a lung*

I think I'll jaywalk back. ;)