
Another thing...

It's not like the fest is in the dead of winter and you are going to drive in a snow storm to get there.
It's northern Illinois. Are you SURE about that? ;)

I dunno. I guess in my 20 + years of going to shows, the weather was never a factor on if I went or not.

I am pretty sure Diabolik said he was at this show.
I drove in a blizzard from the burbs to the Cubby Bear to see DRI / Nasty Savage / Znowhite.

Was I going to miss 4 of a Kind era DRI, simply because of some snow?

(Granted you could not read the street signs, but minor details... :lol:)
Pfft, details are insignificant! You can get there with your "metaldar!" You know, it's that innate sense that tells you "metal is in THAT direction." :lol:

Yeah, not much keeps me from metal either. I went and saw Hammerfall/Edguy in 2005 a mere 4 weeks after I had jaw surgery. I was swollen and my mouth was full of rubber bands, but dammit, I was there!

Screw you, extenuating circumstances! *shakes fist*
Pfft, details are insignificant! You can get there with your "metaldar!" You know, it's that innate sense that tells you "metal is in THAT direction." :lol:

Damn this is the last time I let my dad drive, then. We spent 30 minutes on the first day trying to find the Pearl Room because he was convinced it was on the same side of the street as the hotel.:lol: I kept saying "No! Turn left! Turn left! That's the white castle! WHITE CASTLE!"
Damn this is the last time I let my dad drive, then. We spent 30 minutes on the first day trying to find the Pearl Room because he was convinced it was on the same side of the street as the hotel.:lol: I kept saying "No! Turn left! Turn left! That's the white castle! WHITE CASTLE!"

:lol: So your metaldar is working and his is out of whack. A good dose of (insert band of choice, here) should cure him! :D