Web Graphics software

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I need a program that I can do some simple web graphics stuff on. It needs to be simple to use. I don't need anything advanced. I don't need flash or anything like that. I just need to be able to make some fancy logos, maybe do some stuff to pictures, and maybe a few other simple things. Keep in mind I use Frontpage for my web designing.

What does everybody recommend?
Better yet... http://www.microsoft.com/products/expression/

It's a 180 day trail version of some new Microsoft imaging software that's apparently going to be competing with photoshop/illustrator/corelsuite type stuff. Fuck if I know, I haven't tried it, but they claim to intergrated vector and raster graphic formats as editable in the same software so it's definitely worth a look if you're doing logo type stuff as well as photo type stuff.

Oh god.
The Corel Suite is pretty powerful, I use CorelDraw to do a lot of layout stuff like CD's and my 'zine. Course I could never compete with your legendary "teh madness moose"...
The GIMP. It's a (free) Open Source software similar to Photoshop and is compatible with Photoshop. It's also easy to use.