Web Hosting Recommendations


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Im looking into web host packages to start up a production site of mine. Im after one with an FTP included if possible and most of all a place that somebody has recommended.

Bluehost is top rated but they deleted/lost my site 3 times so I can't recommend them.

I use GoDaddy now which is cheaper and I backup more often. It is hard to find everything on the godaddy site but all the features most people will need are there like FTP, and databases.

Its easiest to set up the hosting with the same place you get the domain from.
Justhost. I refuse to use GoDaddy because of their obnoxious and retarded marketing and the fact they allow/encourage cybersquatting.

Justhost is 42/year for me. Just start leaving the page that shows the prices and they'll throw deals at you like nuts.
I used go daddy for a while, but it was too slow for me when I tried it a couple of years ago, so now I just use my own server with dynamic dns and call it a day.