Website Problems, help


Oct 25, 2002
Visit site
I am building a personal website (learning html, finally) and then when I posted it on the site, the ads were being placed within my html and messing my site all up. I finally got it working (I think) but want a few people to check it out to see if it is looking all screwy on their computer. I had one up at one point and it looked fine from my computer but wouldn't work for anyone else, so I had to rebuild it.
FYI I only have the "Our Baby" section up. The other links just take you to a "under construction" section, so basically if you can see the home page and the "our baby" page, then that is all I need you to look at.
Anyway, thanks in advance to those of you who take the time to check it out for me.
I'm not entirely sure what I'm meant to be checking, but Our Baby seems to be working okay, although you have to scroll down the page after clicking the link to see anything... that had me confused. :D
interresting... the site should have links on the left side on a black background, then all the text and sonogram on the right on a dark blue background, then in between them, there should be a little graphic thingy. Does it at least look like that?
If so, then I guess I just need to make my graphic shorter so that you don't have to scroll (I think our resolution on this computer is set real high).
Also, what is your resolution set at?
Thanks for checking it out for me :)
Yes, it works. But you need to align that image you have running down the left side of the page, so that the text lines up along side it, not below it. You could use the <align=right> attribute within the image tag, or you could lay the page out with a table.

If things weren't working for other people, perhaps you had the wrong directory for the pages and images.
Ah, that's it. The graphic thing is below the menu, and the rest below that. At least that's how it is for me. :confused:

Ah, Lee got there first. :bah:

no, I know I didn't have the wrong directory because I opened it on my machine, copied it dirrectly from the address bar and pasted it in the email.

As for the layout of the site. It is in a table. There is a main table, with a table in the left cell (containing the links), middle cell (graphic), right cell (text). For some reason when I upload it to the site, the whole thing gets thrown off and I guess it is that the website (free hosting) is putting their banners within my table?

Thanks anyway. Maybe I should just stick to Flash :lol:
Originally posted by rustymetal
Ah, that's it. The graphic thing is below the menu, and the rest below that. At least that's how it is for me. :confused:

Ah, Lee got there first. :bah:


That is what's fucked up. It shows up correctly on my monitor (although it did show up incorrectly when I posted it the first time) :cry:
LMAO, I DID choose to have the pop up ad instead of the banner. That is what fixed it on my screen in the first place! LOL. Thanks though, I might check it out just to see if it does it any differently on someone elses server.
Ahh, you changed it. Mabe it'll take a few minutes or even hours to take effect. I'll try holding ctrl and clicking refresh. It'll load not from my browser cache, then. I'll "report" back.

*gets all "Dick Tracey" on the mo'fo'*

Edit: I'm talking utter shit, 'cause I have never visited the page before then, and so there wouldn't be anything in my bwoser cache.

*doesn't get all anything*
it may take 24 hours or somthing because I put it up this morning, reallized that it didn't work properly, searched everywhere for the options button, finally reallized what the problem was, fixed it at about noon, and from then on it seemed fine on my machine. I guess I will check it from my sister's computer tomarow (she has a P.O.S. so if there is anything wrong with my site, it will certainly show up on her machine :lol: )
Thanks guys. You rule! :)
I don't know if it's still to any use.
I've taken a look at your code and saw that there was missing an > after the body tag.
this is what there is:
<BODY BGCOLOR="000033" text="0099FF" link="CC33CC" vlink="6666FF"
this is what there should be:
<BODY BGCOLOR="000033" text="0099FF" link="CC33CC" vlink="6666FF">
I just looked at your code, too.
Fundamentally responsible are your tables and their layout. You've got 3 tables on there, the first has a specified size (100 pixels) and doesn't align itself to anything, the second table isn't aligned either and has an undetermined size (which I think sets it to 100% by default), and the third is, again, not aligned to anything and is set to 100% width.
Obviously, 100% will occupy all of the window's width. So, you'll at least need to lose the "%" on that third table' width, and probably specfiy one for the second table. Also, align them next to each other with the align attribute.

But I'd advise using a single table and creating 3 columns. You can still control each cell's layout and whatnot.
you can control how big a cell is?
<----new at this :rolleyes:
thanks a whole lot guys! :) It is always good to know that it is your own mistake rather than some invisible alien just wanting to rip your brain apart hehe.
I don't know if you can affect a cell's size without upsetting the column or row that it's in. I don't think you can. A cell will be as wide or high as it's row or column's largest content.

Try using this code instead of the one you used, and change it as much as you need to in order to achieve the look you want

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center">
your stuff here
<td align="center">
your stuff here
<td align="center">
your stuff here
Okay, now that we have figured out where the problem is, can anyone recomend a decent beginers book for html (inexpensive preferably). I have been trying to learn it on my own with a few websites. I was just doing it to pass time, but now I am hooked :Smokin:
Again, thanks all for your help :)
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
I don't know if you can affect a cell's size without upsetting the column or row that it's in. I don't think you can. A cell will be as wide or high as it's row or column's largest content.

Try using this code instead of the one you used, and change it as much as you need to in order to achieve the look you want

Oh, thanks! (didn't see your post when I posted last). I will try it out and if I get it finished tonight, I will post it. Not sure how late we will be here (basketball game is on and hubby is watching it here, at work, because we don't have cable at home lol)