DE vote bnp Feb 13, 2003 15,286 100 63 Afghanistan Apr 28, 2003 #101 i voted, dleted cookies, voted, dleted cookies, tried a few proxies for fun, disconnected from the net, got a different IP, voted again. Gimme rep! what a cutie btw Reactions: nafnikufesin and NaTaSMAI
i voted, dleted cookies, voted, dleted cookies, tried a few proxies for fun, disconnected from the net, got a different IP, voted again. Gimme rep! what a cutie btw
nØthing Christpuncher Sep 11, 2002 2,608 123 63 39 Ohio Apr 28, 2003 #102 meh voterd Reactions: DotNoir and ~Zeanra~
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Apr 29, 2003 #103 Voted again! Reactions: ~Zeanra~ and NaTaSMAI
DotNoir Nyhverö Aug 18, 2001 1,809 260 83 Tampere, Finland Apr 29, 2003 #105 I'm not a rep point whore, but voted again Reactions: NaTaSMAI
mourningstar Val Oct 29, 2001 3,267 96 48 44 Apr 29, 2003 #106 voted: antonio for president! :hotjump: (i like DotNoir's avatar) Reactions: DotNoir
DotNoir Nyhverö Aug 18, 2001 1,809 260 83 Tampere, Finland Apr 29, 2003 #107 It's shamelessly stolen from my home towns marketing campaign The figures in the strawberry is the coat of arms of Valkeakoski edit: Oh, and really... It sucks Reactions: mourningstar
It's shamelessly stolen from my home towns marketing campaign The figures in the strawberry is the coat of arms of Valkeakoski edit: Oh, and really... It sucks
Fourka Forget it Mar 28, 2003 1,071 71 48 In a cuckoo's clock Apr 29, 2003 #108 Voted again for little Antonio!!
coronerox Katatonia Brasil Staff Aug 27, 2002 3,772 542 113 41 São Paulo - Brazil (BRASIL) Apr 29, 2003 #109 Here we go again! Antonio got one more vote :hotjump:
stormy Sketcher Nov 22, 2002 4,402 683 113 41 washington state Apr 29, 2003 #112 yeeee! Vooooted again!! Reactions: DotNoir
Hiljainen why can't we not be sober May 5, 2002 4,916 138 63 39 In the silly halls of none Visit site Apr 29, 2003 #113 voted, voted
NaTaSMAI . Feb 20, 2002 4,722 360 83 Colorado Apr 29, 2003 #114 Voted! He's gonna win. Reactions: DotNoir
~Zeanra~ Tandtroll Nov 1, 2001 9,310 93 48 40 es-POO, Finland Apr 30, 2003 #115 Reactions: nafnikufesin
nafnikufesin N.F.F. Dec 6, 2001 12,277 346 83 52 In a Zone Apr 30, 2003 #117 The final day of voting...time for one last push! Vote from every computer you can get your hands on!
The final day of voting...time for one last push! Vote from every computer you can get your hands on!
Hiljainen why can't we not be sober May 5, 2002 4,916 138 63 39 In the silly halls of none Visit site Apr 30, 2003 #118 voted Reactions: nafnikufesin
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Apr 30, 2003 #119 Voted yesterday from work and again this morning. Reactions: nafnikufesin
Humanure Speaking in Killing Words Mar 14, 2002 287 6 18 44 Long Island, NY Visit site Apr 30, 2003 #120 Chalk up a few more votes from the good ol' computer lab from me Reactions: nafnikufesin