nafnikufesin N.F.F. Dec 6, 2001 12,277 346 83 52 In a Zone Apr 26, 2003 #62 Guess what? I voted, too! Reactions: mourningstar
mourningstar Val Oct 29, 2001 3,267 96 48 44 Apr 26, 2003 #63 voted (aidan matthew and stephen john savino are two aliens!!!! ) Reactions: Rusty
manuelgv Back now...hopefully Mar 19, 2002 11,561 366 83 42 Mexico city Apr 26, 2003 #64 make sure his first words are Ultimate Metal and he'll get all my votes hehe Reactions: nafnikufesin
nØthing Christpuncher Sep 11, 2002 2,608 123 63 39 Ohio Apr 26, 2003 #65 Voted \m/ >_< \m/ Reactions: nafnikufesin
NaTaSMAI . Feb 20, 2002 4,722 360 83 Colorado Apr 26, 2003 #68 Voted. Callie Dawn is scary Reactions: nafnikufesin
Hiljainen why can't we not be sober May 5, 2002 4,916 138 63 39 In the silly halls of none Visit site Apr 27, 2003 #71 voted once again
SculptedCold -scented manbeef- May 9, 2002 6,592 51 48 40 Edinburgh, Scotland Apr 27, 2003 #73 Give Antonio a McVoted Happy Meal!
Fourka Forget it Mar 28, 2003 1,071 71 48 In a cuckoo's clock Apr 27, 2003 #74 Always voting!! I'm really looking forward to the day of the results!!! Reactions: nafnikufesin
nØthing Christpuncher Sep 11, 2002 2,608 123 63 39 Ohio Apr 27, 2003 #76 Voterino!
DotNoir Nyhverö Aug 18, 2001 1,809 260 83 Tampere, Finland Apr 27, 2003 #77 Once again... Reactions: nafnikufesin
SculptedCold -scented manbeef- May 9, 2002 6,592 51 48 40 Edinburgh, Scotland Apr 27, 2003 #78 yay!! i managed to vote on three different computers today!