April Fool's Baby

nafnikufesin said:
For April Fool's, Antonio has been acting like a little clown, and so we entered him in a baby picture contest. (Since he was kicked off the "metal" site, we thought this might be more up his alley :grin: )

You can vote for him at http://www.babiesonline.com/babycontest/votepage.asp?page=28003 (he's on page 3 in the top right corner).

You can vote for him once per day (per computer), so if you've got nothing better to do, check back and give him your support every day.

He thanks you in advance for your support! For what it's worth, I'll give extra reputation points to anyone here that votes for him! (How's that for cheap bribery? :lol: )
Had ta vote too...
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Metal Maiden said:
Is it just me, or is that the first time Brat has sworn?
:grin: bRaT said "Fuck" and "ThraxDude" in the same sentence!:grin:

OH, YEAH! I got side-tracked, or something...
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And yet another day has come and gone...when will time stop passing!?!

Speaking of which, Antonio hit the big 6 months today. Half a year already, can you believe it. Pretty soon he's going to be leaving for college and getting married...where did the time go? :waah:
Don't feel so bad. Tonya hit four months yesterday and also finished learning the elusive task of rolling over. I wanted to cry. Speaking of which, I'll probably be incoherent on 4/21 (the boy turns two). And don't feel so bad, I highly doubt you have your wife constantly telling you he's going to have a kid when he's 13 (a frightening thought my husband loves to taunt me with).