April Fool's Baby


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
For April Fool's, Antonio has been acting like a little clown, and so we entered him in a baby picture contest. (Since he was kicked off the "metal" site, we thought this might be more up his alley :D )

You can vote for him at http://www.babiesonline.com/babycontest/votepage.asp?page=28003 (he's on page 3 in the top right corner).

You can vote for him once per day (per computer), so if you've got nothing better to do, check back and give him your support every day.

He thanks you in advance for your support! For what it's worth, I'll give extra reputation points to anyone here that votes for him! (How's that for cheap bribery? :lol: )
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Antonio was more metal than that long haired wimp/poseur with a sword... Hell, with that AC/DC shirt and the defiant look in his eyes, he is even more metal than me ! :lol:
I'll vote for him!
mentalmeltdown said:
What's up with the Ronald McDonald look??? :lol:
Aprils theme is "April Fool's", so we went with one of Antonio's sillier pictures, and my wife was more partial to that one in particular (it was taken at the Museum of Civilization in Hull BTW)

@Brat: Not sure if the rep points do anything, but I'll use them for bribery anyway :D
Click "User cp" at the very top left corner of this page, and then scroll down. It will tell you how many points you have, as well as the five most recent messages that earned points for you.

The little green dot beside your post count also has something to do with it...I've noticed that some people in other forums have two or three dots, while some people have black dots. What it actually means is a completely different question :D (Check your rep points again now and see if there's a difference)
I think everyone starts at ten points, and then I think it's random how many points you get when someone adds to your reputation. So you got 6 points from now, and somebody else gave you five before (or it might have been me, too :D ).
At the bottom of somebody's post, just to the left of the "Edit" button, there is a small button with a picture of a head with lines coming out of his mouth. Click on it, and a pop-up window will give you the option of "appoving" (adding rep) or "disapproving" (decreasing rep) for that post, and leaving any comments. You can only give a single person rep points every so often, as you have to "spread it around" to other people.

If you're using MS Explorer, hover your cursor over the green dot and a message will appear like "bRaTpRiNcEsS is on a distinguished road". If you thought the rep points themselves were confusing, these messages are even moreso :D
Ok, I just re-read the last thing I read and found "hell" and Holy shit". I'm awake now. Those don't really faze me, but to see "fuck" threw me.