Week 2 of the studio video blog up!

Tom, thanks for posting the videos - as I said in the Grey Area, getting this special glimpse into the behind-the-scenes creation of the new songs is definitely building the excitement for the new album! I'm sure there are lots of people viewing the video who may not have registered to post (although I'm not sure why... it's not like it's difficult) who are silently enjoying the studio updates from the shadowy corners of the internet.

Please continue to post the videos when you can - as they said in the movie Field of Dreams - "If you post it, they will come..."

(Well, it was something like that anyway...)

Keep up the good work!
Hey, I also would like to thank you guys. It means a lot to me, and surely to every one else here, too, that you keep us up to date. And even with videos. We are really lucky fans :D...

To the video: FUCKIN' GREAT RIFFS!!!! I want to see and hear more!!!
I hate waiting, but I'm sure it is worth.

I agree with Thorn23TX:
"Please continue to post the videos when you can", the videos are awesome!!!

It's too bad that you don't play in Berlin next year, but I hope to get to see you somewhere else in Germany. I have to!!!

So, c u...
Tom, thanks for posting the videos - as I said in the Grey Area, getting this special glimpse into the behind-the-scenes creation of the new songs is definitely building the excitement for the new album! I'm sure there are lots of people viewing the video who may not have registered to post (although I'm not sure why... it's not like it's difficult) who are silently enjoying the studio updates from the shadowy corners of the internet.

Please continue to post the videos when you can - as they said in the movie Field of Dreams - "If you post it, they will come..."

(Well, it was something like that anyway...)

Keep up the good work!

Like me for example, I haven't registered. Whatever, I enjoy it a lot, and will do even more when the next riff is up and more folks walking around :headbang:

Stay grey and evil
LOVE the studio clips!!! Keep them up! The guitar is killer even with the camera's mic. I'm not sure if it's the 5150 or the Engl Savage spewing forth those raging tones but it's awesome to see an Engl in there! I love the Engl tone! Has Tom or Henrik used them before?
Excellent new video, I already posted a comment on myspace but I might as well put one here too. These are great (and funny) insights on what goes on with the band, plus we get to hear bad ass new riffs.
Hello Kuken!

Im still in China , will fly back to Slätthult tomorrow, dont kill the Caparison.I see you when I get back home.It looks you and lillen have done some good work ..:headbang:

See you :kickass:
