Weekend Mortal Kombat related project created out of boredom


Mar 8, 2009
This is a really small project that's mostly a joke. It originated from workday boredom and it took roughly a day to track and mix. Is nothing really serious and i'm not a drummer so the drums isn't anything impressive, i actually think my pathetic attempt is rather funny which just made the whole thing funnier. I'm curious to hear what you guys think of it since its something done on the fly in just a day. I could've worked on it more but i didn't want to waste to much time on something that's essentially a joke.

Everything was written/played/mixed by me except the vocals.

You can check out the video too if your interested in what the song was really for but its nothing impressive lol It's just some stupid thing that we thought was funny. You might find it funny if your an Mortal Kombat fan. Link can be found in the description.

Double Ice Backfire

EDIT: Forgot to add gear used in case anyone was interested.

Guitar: Custom Fender Strat - Mesa Mark IV - SM57 + Chandler Germanium Pre
Bass: Fender Mex Jazz with active pups - Chandler Germanium + Sans Amp
Vocals: AT3035 + UA 610
Drums: Addictive Drums
Song is... really bad... ASS! Grate mixing, but I can't see something related to MK!
What you used on guitar, it is very tight (in good meaning)?
Song is... really bad... ASS! Grate mixing, but I can't see something related to MK!
What you used on guitar, it is very tight (in good meaning)?

Thanks for the compliment. Guitar i used is my custom floyd strat with JB in the bridge and for some part of the leads i used the neck single coil which is a custom shop single coil from seymour duncan.

I guess i should've just linked the you tube page. I figured people would just read the description on soundclick and find it there.

Here's what it was initially used for. This is the only song i've ever written entirely by myself so i find it amusing. The Soundclick version is edited slightly and sounds better.

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