weekend realization:


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Oct 7, 2003
Where you live
my gf likes Interpol. thinks the record is "soothing".

this is odd to me because she has basically no musical knowledge and only listens to either nicey-nice music like Michael W Smith & Faith Hill or jazz/swing. maybe some soul like otis redding and joe cocker.

My fiancee likes Mariah Carey, Faith Hill, Black Eyed Peas, Agalloch, Novembers Doom, Kreator, and Britney Spears
sometimes people randomly like something for no apparent reason. for example, catnip makes cats high due to a completely coincidental similarity between catnip's psychotropic ingredient and some cat brain chemical.
I think she likes that song. Something about it not being bitches, bling bling, and more bitches rap... Personally, I liked the track the first time I heard it but it just doesn't stand up to repeated listens for me.

She likes some of that stuff because of its association with our relationship. Most of the heavier stuff . . . the bands just come across really well live.
Lizard: On the grave of my old cat, we planted a patch of catnip. Now the entire lawn is over run. After we mow when the stuff is in bloom, cats from around the neighborhood come and get wasted out back.
My girlfriend likes The Ramones... and The Cure... basicly anything that starts with "The"... she also for some reason like Eucharist.. and the new In Flames (which though I posted a thread about the single sucking ass.. the rest of the album has really grown on me.)
and here i thought it would go unread/unresponded.

this makes me feel like Allen Ginsberg who purportedly could not tell which of his works were considered critically "good". also, it makes me feel like that screenwriter guy Charlie Kaufman from Adaptation, always questioning his work, never knowing what is good.
kleo's house = cat flophouse. all you need now are kittie hookers.

my wife likes pretty much the same stuff I do minus the really heavy stuff, cept Gorguts who she finds "interesting". but as said before, she did grow up on Def Leppard, The Scorps, et al so she's down with the melodic pop-metal stuff.
The neighbors take care of kitty-hookers. They had this female. She was fixed. Every tom within 5 miles certainly agreed that she worked better than ever.