A person is reportedly limited to 15 grams of fat per meal, and if they go over (or even if they don't), there's a significant chance they'll find themselves out behind a shopping center somewhere, crying and clutching a wad of horrifyingly soiled undergarments, searching for a place to ditch it.
this applies to the ladies too, i hate hearing the excuse "i dont wanna get bulky" for not lifting weights. you won't get bulky overnight, your goals would have to be set for that. i know guys that train very hard for months, and don't get "bulky" so yea...
I tried this for a little while and had absolutely zero issues. Good lord, I didn't even get the farts. (I know, TMI...) The problem is most people don't follow the diet that goes along with it--this is intended to help, along with diet and exercise, and in my experience, it does, somewhat. I certainly understand being unable to lose weight and being willing to try whatever. But there is no "magic pill" and you're *always* going to have to eat right and get exercise.
this applies to the ladies too, i hate hearing the excuse "i dont wanna get bulky" for not lifting weights. you won't get bulky overnight, your goals would have to be set for that. i know guys that train very hard for months, and don't get "bulky" so yea...