Weight loss supplements

Well, TBH I was hoping for more insight on the supplement I mentioned because I have already bought it.

Like I said, I lost 55 pounds about two years ago. I did it by not eating much & exercising a little bit... I cut all sodas out a long time ago. Lately I've been drinking odd beers quite a bit, but I've pretty much always drank except for when I lost the weight the first time. Since then I've been able to drink whenever I want & not gain weight.

It changed for me when I started working mornings about 5-6 weeks ago. I never worked mornings before. I've also been not watching what I eat as much because now I've been hanging out with a different crowd than before. In other words I used to be up all hours of the night, now I hang out early in the afternoon & eat out a bit more. Anyways, I know where I fucked up recently & I've been cleaning that up & eating more cautiously.

I had surgery in December & I couldn't go to the gym for a while. Before then I was going to the gym 4-5 days a week & getting some great workouts in. I tightened up & gained some muscle while not really losing any weight, which was acceptable at the time, even though it would always be nice to gain muscle AND lose fat. That's not technically practible, however.

I'm actually pretty uncomfortable with my weight. How about this question - Has anyone here ever tried any weight loss supplements???

It's easy to knock something that you don't need or don't have an interest in & I know a lot of people here don't have weight problems. I've struggled with my weight for years. I lost weight by eating sparingly the first time, but I eventually got to a point where I hit a plateau & would not lose anymore weight even with exercise & excessive dieting. In other words I've tried a lot of stuff & maybe a safe supplement would be good for me at this point. My friend said he lost 30 pounds pretty quick on this "Alli" stuff & it's not going to speed my heart rate.

About working out, I do pretty damn good in the gym. I know how to target all my muscle groups & I do target training for usually about an hour or more. It's hard for me to jog for a long time because I put too much force on my chins, but I can hit an eliptical for an hour if I have my mp3 player with.
You might as well give it a shot, but don't be surprised if you start gaining back some weight after you've stopped the regimen.
You might as well give it a shot, but don't be surprised if you start gaining back some weight after you've stopped the regimen.

Yeah, I know. I was worried about that. It comes with a whole eating plan though. If I can stick to that I shoud be able to keep it off. I kept weight off for a long time, just lifestyle changes recently have made it harder.
try pizza, it works for me.

no seriously, its delicious.

Its getting nice outside so I'll be riding my bike lots. just gotta get the legs up to par.
I've never been able to lose weight. Even when I eat little and healthy. Nothing happens.
Another good way to lose weight is to eat breakfast. I didn't eat breakfast for the longest time and my metabolic rate sux0red. Now that I've started eating breakfast, it's increased and I've lost some weight doing that.
Another good way to lose weight is to eat breakfast. I didn't eat breakfast for the longest time and my metabolic rate sux0red. Now that I've started eating breakfast, it's increased and I've lost some weight doing that.

Funny that when I used to be losing weight I NEVER NEVER NEVER ate breakfast & now that I can't seem to stop gaining weight I eat breakfast everyday. I don't gorge myself either. I eat a bowl of cereal or two packs of Quaker Weight Control oatmeal, no more.

My friend cooks these big king's feast meals every night. Last night I passed up on the mashed potatoes, potato salad & mac & cheese & just ate salad, an ear of corn & steak. I chased that with Bud Light. Better than usual because today I'm two pounds lighter. Usually I can't help but load up on all the carb heavy shit like stuffing. My biggest problem is with eating too much carbs. I eat a ton of rice, pasta & bread based when I get the chance. It's a total addiction.
Cutting out pop (or soda for the hillbillies) is ESSENTIAL.
Eat alot of Light yogurt.
Substitute egg whites instead of eating yolks (basically stop eating Mc Donalds breakfasts)
Get Optima Nutrition Whey Protein and drink 2 a day.
Don't eat after dinner. At ALL!
Last but not least, exercise every day no matter what. If you can only make it to the gym 3 times a week, that is fine but do pushups/crunches at home whenever possible.

Follow these and you'll lose weight and gain definition in your muscles. Believe me.