I just ripped the SHIT out of my chest and triceps, doing supersets (one set followed immediately by another of a different excercise). I'm gonna feel that shit in the morning/weekend.
Angela and I have been chit-chatting for a while now and I asked for her advice on losing weight. I wasn't expecting such a long and detailed response, but here's what she had to say. I cut out the parts which were written just for me.
I thought that might be of interest to you. She suffered from anorexia and bulimia at one time. She's over that and keeps in ridiculously good shape now, which is why I asked her. My other girlfriends are either anorexic or live on cheesesteaks and other Philly junkfood(Nikki!!!)
Of interest to the ladies, that is.
Ya never know on this board.
Um... no. Slower metabolism doesn't mean eating less. It means slower and weaker digestion of foods. The slower the metabolism, the longer foods stay in the digestive system. The longer they're in the digestive system, the more fat is absorbed. The stomach filters it the same. Plus, drinking usually leads to the munchies which leads to eating junk.
That's cuz guys have a much faster metabolism than girls do.
Damn. For a while I had to have blood samples taken every six months at the Doctors because I was told that my Thyroid gland (The gland that controls your Metabolism) was borderline underactive. I stopped going because I don't enjoy blood samples at all and although I'm not completely happy with my weight I'm not fat at all like I should be with that thyroid problem. So I have no idea what the fucking Doctor was on about. I've put it down to being complete rubbish.
Can some of you food-uneducated americans can tell me what the fuck is a cheesesteak?
I take some pills because of hypothyroidism and I don't think they're working. Granted, I just started taking them about 2 months ago and I shouldn't even notice anything for the first month, but I still feel the same as I have felt for the past 1.5 years that they've been taking blood samples every 3 months to follow the development of hypothyroidism.. I feel normal, or at least what I think is normal and what I have felt like for a long time. If this isn't normal, then I don't know what is.. So far no weight gain or weight loss (during the medication). That might be because of some other medication I'm on but I was kind of hoping to lose a few kilos.. Which reminds me I need to go exercise outside in the snow storm now.
Wasn't the purpose of adding iodine to salt to prevent this from happening?
Hyper/ Hypothyroidism IS an autoimmune disease. Certain types of viruses that have DNA similar to the body's own tissues can cause auto immune diseases. The body's immune system gets confused and thinks that (for example) the thyroid gland is the particular virus and attacks it. But that is just a theory. This is more true for diabetes than hyper/hypothyroidism.Apparently goiters are also caused by autoimmune problems.
Do you have the HIV?
I hate Lady Relic. It's a conclusion I've come to after reading several of her posts.
what did your original post said?
She quoted all the infinite LOL's, i think she only editted those out
You're quite perceptive, charmed one.I know. I did only quote it to take up double the space so you kind of defeated the point of my post, especially seeing as I was laughing at the Die part...
Oh well.
I just wanted to point out that it wasn't me who edited it.
yeah, i dunno if that's the word to describe someone capable of finding my hidden message besides all those LOL'sI'm quite perspective?