How not to get sick...CAVEMAN DIET

Because they all watched "Super Size Me" and then had a social awakening, and then went back to their big mac, thinking it just must have been gas.
Chromatose said:
Because they all watched "Super Size Me" and then had a social awakening, and then went back to their big mac, thinking it just must have been gas.

I went to McDonalds after I saw that movie. Dead serious.

Of course that was before I lost 120lbs and was in poor shape mentally and physically.

New me > fatty fat fat fat me
Derick- you're right, I forgot about the raw meat/fish/chicken having bacteria

Did you know, that you need to cook chicken the longest and in the highest heat by the way, to get rid of it?

Correct me if I'm wrong Squid: fish is the lowest
then meat
and last is Chicken right?

I recently passed my exam and am a NATIONALLY CERTIFIED SAFE FOOD HANDLER. I know these things :p (i even have a card!)

you only have to reach these temperatures and maintain them for 15 seconds before the bacteria is sufficiently killed

fish 145 degrees F
beef roasts/steaks 145 F
ground beef 155 degrees F
pork 155 degrees F
chicken 165 degrees F

As more pollution has been thrown around the place, there are new bacterias all the time, which is why food is more dangerous now than it used to be FOR THE CAVEMEN, however, at the same time, food packaging and handling technology has improved, so food is much safer now than it was a few decades ago because of this, so the temperatures needed to cook them are lower.

edit: we also have lower immunities due to lack of contact with bacterias and our constant intake of antibiotics

Of course these times are meaningless if your raw food has been sitting out unpreserved in a dangerous temperature zone for over 4 hours, then cooking them at all won't help.
Chromatose said:
edit: we also have lower immunities due to lack of contact with bacterias and our constant intake of antibiotics

We're fucked if something halfway powerful finds a way to spread through the air.