How not to get sick...CAVEMAN DIET

Enemy242 said:
I've never had white castle except for the microwavable kind i got from a gas station near my house one time =(. I need to go to one someday.
The microwavable kind are a poor substitute.
Hey whatever works for ya Steve. I was just trying to tell people about something out there that works for me.

Whatever floats your boat, whatever creams your twinkie, by all means do it.

I was never telling anyone what to do, I was simply explaining a process of eating that will definitely make you feel better. If you were to do it for, say, two weeks, and then talk to me, I would be more opt to listen, but I know you won't so don't bother.

There ARE carciniogens in the shit you're eating, and that's all I'm gonna say. I'm done now!
^ if it works for ya, then keep on doing it!
we are just talking Jody.... a lot of us here are also into healthy food
that makes you feel good... we're just talking :)

I'm all for eating healthy... if its through cavemen diet or through
Pirates diet.... :kickass:
Bodybuilding diet has worked pretty well for me. I love reducing meal size and eating more frequently. Roughly every 3 hours to get 5 or 6 meals in, in a day. It seems to sustain you better, stops you getting hungry and overeating and of course keeps your metabolism in an elevated state which helps burn fat.

My meals are really simple, generally just one source of protein, one carbohydrate and one vegetable side. Normally its a few chicken breasts, basmatti rice (or just mash potato after workouts) and half a plate of green beans, broccoli, mixed vegies, whatever.

The rest is supplemented, which is great.. the shakes are a treat.
Caveman diet? Pshaw.

You want the gnarliest of the gnar?

I tried it for three days. Felt great, but I had some pretty brutal BM's... I now stick to the Brooksarian diet, which is basically eat only good and REAL stuff, drink water all day. If it was made in a processing plant, nature didn't intend you to eat it. Simple and effective!

BTW, eat a low fat diet, but not "lowered fat" items. Milk comes out of the cow whole, skim milk is "skimmed" unnaturally. Drink it the way it was intended, its so much better.
Semi-Skimmed (half and half in the US?) owns though. Full-Fat is too creamy for me and skimmed tastes like water, unless its in coffee-house coffee :)
Dead_Lioness said:
^ if it works for ya, then keep on doing it!
we are just talking Jody.... a lot of us here are also into healthy food
that makes you feel good... we're just talking :)

I'm all for eating healthy... if its through cavemen diet or through
Pirates diet.... :kickass:

Yeah we're just discussing, I'd like to look into it simply because I like to introduce a lot of counterpoint to my own personal thoughts and examine it. Many times I am often surprised by what I find and my views then change. All I was sayin is that based on what I know this diet sounds kind of gimmick-ey. I mean, the guy wants people to buy his book, and caveman diet sounds interesting enough for most people to pick it up and read the insert, maybe buy the book, take it home, and try the diet.

Karen... I like the way you think though... Rum, ale, and lemons to fight off scurvy! Maybe if we land on a tropical island we can eat the parrots :lol:
Yeah, raw is pretty good. We ruin most food by cooking it, adding salt, cooking with fat. Never been a fan of raw meats though. I have mine grilled, the carb sources steamed and the vegies usually steamed as well.
Yeah it's usually what we add in when we cook it that makes it unhealthy. Although it is necessary to cook many meats due to bacterial issues.