How not to get sick...CAVEMAN DIET


Aug 31, 2001
Rochester, NY
Sick of being sick? Sick of feeling like crap all the time?

Ok so listen up peeps. Here's what ya do:

Things you eat:

Vegetables (except see below)
Nuts (except see below)
Lots of water
100% Fruit juice

Grains of any kind or anyting made from them
Dairy products of any kind
Beans and legumes
Cashews and peanuts, because they are unedible raw
Sugar of any kind
Potatoes, because technically, they can make you sick if you eat them raw

Ok so you probably are laughing because of the alcohol part, well WD's got you beat there already.

I've done this diet with an occasional drink now and then. Let me tell ya it fucking works, and you don't need as much sleep, either. You feel really good when you eat this way, and you lose weight (if you need to) naturally.

Anyway, have fun with this one......


I'm a health freak, and I always try to eat healthy and I go
to the gym 4 times a week...


I love my glass of red wine with dinner too much
beans are extremely healthy for you
I have at least 7-8 kinds of yuppie cheeses in my fridge on any given moment..
I can't give away my cheeses.... haha
don't take my wine and cheeses away from me! :loco:
ohh because WD did it I'll surely do it too! Nay, I'll pass. I have my own diet which consist of not eating crap like fast food, potatoe chips and sodas and then train at least 3 times a week.

1 beer per day or one cup of wine is considered healthy.
You can actually eat anything you want as you long as you never abuse of something.
AsModEe said:
o train at least 3 times a week.
You can actually eat anything you want as you long as you never abuse of something.

These are the two keys to staying fit or losing weight. I did it for a year and lost a lot if weight and got cut. I took it one step futher and added a day of workout. I had my own home gym with everything I needed. I started out at a fitness center and seem to go no where. When I got my own weights and better focus at home I had full results.
Quit beer? You might as well try convincing me that Nevermore sucks.

I like cheese and sometimes milk, but I don't eat fast food, not too many chips, trying to stay away from a lot of sugar, especially with this new cavity. I guess the worst thing I eat is the occassional pizza. Oh yes, I don't see how anyone can enjoy soda, that shit is disgusting. Same with water with bubbles, those Germans are in love with that trash!
You mean the Paleo-diet?

I've read some about this awhile back, and it doesn't seem to be all that bad... although I have to admit, I love my dairy products.

Oh, and the stuff you should eat must be organic food, otherwise you're defeating the purpose, partly anyway.
If you get organic products, it will be pricy.
But organic food doesn't make you feel like crap...and it has actual flavor.

*compares Co-op tomato (mmm, tomato!) with Safeway tomato (ewww, fish!).

Or you can just grow your own produce...if you have a garden :)
*no...I'm not a hippie...I just like real food*
Caveman diet is prolly ok for a week or two, but can you stay completely out of sugar? away from dairy products?
away from roasted peanuts? (and why would you, they're so good)

I agree with all of the above. I havent touched fast food since 1997
(and i hate it when people tell me "sometimes you have no choice" - you always have a choice!)
I rarely eat any junk food (ok, i love jelly beans and creme brulle, so sue me)
and i go to the gym 4 times a week


cavemen diet is as ancient as...... hmmm cavemen!
a healthy diet is a balanced diet. a healthy diet is a diet that has variety.
That old pyramid of grains/veggies is long gone.
welcome the new balanced pyramid:

To tell me that cavemen diet in the year of 2006 would actually be healthy, is like telling me vegan people can live without vitamines and supplaments...
come on.

I prolly agree with 80% of the cavemen diet but the remaining 20% is really....... :rolleyes:
I don't think I'd have the willpower to do this, i'd probably last for about a week or 2 max and then give up and go back to eating microwavable pizza and chex mix.
Lord of Metal said:
College has absolutely shattered my diet.

i started exercising, 3 months now, 4times a week, (gym), since the right diet makes 80% of succes in gaining muscle mass( i gained 5 kgs), i even bring my spoon and food with me and eat during lectures, and i dont give a fuck what people think, some of them even got motivated:)
Well, in high school, I was on the track team, so I would run 4 or 5 miles every day, and while I am definitely not in terrible shape right now compared to the average college student, I am a far cry of what I used to be.
Yeah guys, I agree. I put on almost 15KG when going through college and I played junior international rugby beforehand.

All things in moderation is the key.