Weight loss supplements


oh noes itz a opinionn
Oct 15, 2007
Orlando, Florida
I just got some of this "Alli" weight loss supplement from Wal-Mart. Does anyone have any insight or advice on how well this stuff works??? My buddy said it worked wonders for him some time ago & it's the only weight loss supplement that is FDA approved. It also apparently does not speed your heart rate or contain shellfish (which I am allergic to). I had a mild heart attack when I was 18 & I can't have anything that contains heart inhibitors like caffeine.

As far as the diet & exercise thing goes, I already lost 55 pounds a couple of years ago & I did it by barely eating. It's not going to be that easy this time. It was hard enough then, but lets just say I had a driving force then that is no longer here. I plan on getting back into going to the gym frequently & I've went 4 out of the last 5 days so I'm definitely getting back into it. I weigh 194 - up from 184 in only 5-6 weeks... :( - & I would like to get down to 155 & stay there. I'm only 5'7 on a good day.
I don't think supplements would be a smart choice... I honestly think the best way to go is a healthy balanced diet without starving yourself (and without that fucking aspertime crap) and a lot of exercise. I don't know anything about these particular supplements but mostly those stuff isn't good for you, even if it is FDA approved...
IMO if you can't do it without supplements you can't do it at all, you should have enough motivation to lose the weight and working hard is better than dealing with some fucked up drug that's gonna cost alot of money. I lost like 50lbs all by myself, you don't need that shit man.
I lost 10 just changing my diet slightly and exercising more. I haven't lost more than that though and it's pissing me off. I think I'm gaining muscle though, so whatever.
cut out all sodas
beer too (it's tough)
and eat healthy

losing weight by starving yourself isn't a good idea at all. your body begins to eat itself (literally).
Well, if it's tough to cut out drinking beer, switch to light beer. I already drink that, but it might be tough for those who don't like drinking horsepiss
Cut down your portions just a bit.
Cut out sodas.
Eat smaller meals, but more of them. Good way to get your metabolism up. 5 small meals a day vs. 3 large ones a day, 5 small meals pushes your metabolism up because your body reprograms itself to the small meals.
Do tons of pushups and situps. You won't lose much weight, but you will get stronger and lose gut fat. I've heard that pushups work your core better than situps, but I dunno.
I lost 50 pounds between freshman and sophomore year of high school simply by not eating between meals and exercising regularly. I ran on the treadmill and lifted weights 5 days a week and drank lots of water.

Supplements are bullshit. Eating a lot of high-fiber foods is what I recommend.
I've heard that pushups work your core better than situps, but I dunno.

Yeah, they do. You use more muscles in the pushup to keep stable, abs and back (+ shoulders and chest) are worked opposed to situps isolating the abs only.

Also, before starting to lift weights/run, ask your doctor if it's ok since you have had problems with your heart. Lifting puts a lot of strain on your heart.