Science Misconceptions That Annoy You

The dean at my school told me that evolution has never even happened on a small scale in historic times. I told him about a species of moth that evolved from a grey color to a black color during the industrial revolution so that it could blend in with the sides of buildings that were covered with soot.

The few biologists that do criticize evolution however seem to force themselves to believe it isn't true. There really isn't a whole lot of space for arguing against evolution and they know it.
An even more recent example would be all the drug resistant disease strains that we have now.

EDIT: Also, the domestication of animals caused a rapid change in their population genotypes. While this was the result of human interventions such as selective breeding, it still clearly deomonstrates the ability for genetic structures to change over time.
the larger issue is probably that people are stupid and dont pay attention. i think we can all get behind that in one way or another