Science Misconceptions That Annoy You

I don't know if this qualifies but those products that kill 99.9% of germs annoy me. Mainly because I read an article in health class last year that the .1% have resistance to things like antibiotics and such (which is why they don't die) and you pretty much start spreading that .1% around after you've killed off all the rest.

I am bothered by people misunderstanding the theory of evolution


I go to a seventh day adventist school. The only real evidence they have against evolution is that we pretty much can't 100% prove that those fossils were formed over years and weren't just created that way in one instant. They criticize the arguments of atheists but still do the same thing. The chemistry teacher used "I don't believe in carbon 14 dating" as a defense against things we have found older than 6,000 years.
I don't know if this qualifies but those products that kill 99.9% of germs annoy me. Mainly because I read an article in health class last year that the .1% have resistance to things like antibiotics and such (which is why they don't die) and you pretty much start spreading that .1% around after you've killed off all the rest.


I go to a seventh day adventist school. The only real evidence they have against evolution is that we pretty much can't 100% prove that those fossils were formed over years and weren't just created that way in one instant. They criticize the arguments of atheists but still do the same thing. The chemistry teacher used "I don't believe in carbon 14 dating" as a defense against things we have found older than 6,000 years.

Not a very good "Science" teaacher.
I don't know if this qualifies but those products that kill 99.9% of germs annoy me. Mainly because I read an article in health class last year that the .1% have resistance to things like antibiotics and such (which is why they don't die) and you pretty much start spreading that .1% around after you've killed off all the rest.
That's not a misconception, but I agree with you still. My mom tries to buy soap that isn't antibacterial for this reason and I'm equally (probably more, actually) enraged by people who don't finish prescriptions, because they "feel better." Generations of idiots not following through with their prescriptions has and will continue to play a major role in the increased resiliance of diseases against our medications, and then the same fucking retards bitch, piss, and moan because the treatments that they're receiving are losing their effectiveness.
I go to a seventh day adventist school. The only real evidence they have against evolution is that we pretty much can't 100% prove that those fossils were formed over years and weren't just created that way in one instant. They criticize the arguments of atheists but still do the same thing. The chemistry teacher used "I don't believe in carbon 14 dating" as a defense against things we have found older than 6,000 years.
Holy shit. You'd think a science teacher (even a pseudo-science teacher) would at least recognize the fallacy of an "I don't believe" argument. I'll bet he'd flip his shit if I "didn't believe" in God.
I am bothered by people misunderstanding the theory of evolution
And global warming:
"There's no snow in December! Global Warming!"
"We're actually going through a warm stretch right now"
"No, it's global warming! We had snow this time of year 3 years ago but now we don't because of global warming"

but my main pet peeve isn't "true" science, it's people claiming to prove shit with really shitty experiments. It's all very good for arguing on the internet where nothing but e-penis size is at stake but when you're doing advertisements and shit you should at least pretend to have decent fucking design.
Holy shit. You'd think a science teacher (even a pseudo-science teacher) would at least recognize the fallacy of an "I don't believe" argument. I'll bet he'd flip his shit if I "didn't believe" in God.

I think he pretty much forces himself to not believe. My dad says that carbon 14 dating pretty much works and he's a real chemist. It obviously does work or works 99.9% since it is taught in schools and is widely used.

The guy talked about the misdating of certain things. Just because people use carbon 14 dating wrong does not mean it doesn't work.

That's not a misconception, but I agree with you still. My mom tries to buy soap that isn't antibacterial for this reason

Soap that isn't antibacterial actually works better. People in the world are still too stupid to believe it.
Yeah that's what pisses me off the most. All those who criticize evolution are not biologists.

The dean at my school told me that evolution has never even happened on a small scale in historic times. I told him about a species of moth that evolved from a grey color to a black color during the industrial revolution so that it could blend in with the sides of buildings that were covered with soot.

The few biologists that do criticize evolution however seem to force themselves to believe it isn't true. There really isn't a whole lot of space for arguing against evolution and they know it.
And there is no god.

Like they say: people who have made up their mind on the origin of the universe have stopped thinking. I'm pretty much with you on this though. There is a lot of evidence against God. But we currently lack the means to completely disprove God. So we will have to deal with annoying christians until then.

And by the way I am agnostic leaning towards atheist. Not a theist.