New years resolution: Lose over 30kg weight. Need halp

Nice job!

As someone else said earlier in the thread, it helps to find an activity you really enjoy. I started doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu about a year ago and cut out alot of fast food when I lost my regular job about 4-5 months ago and the weight has been flying off without any real effort towards it.
Keep up the good work. By the way how tall are you?

183cm, which is about 6 ft

it helps to find an activity you really enjoy

I would, since I like swimming a lot, but I hate gyms and team sports. Don't ask me why, but I just do, I always feel really forced to be there. But there are no pools where I live at the moment. And I can't even do it on the lakes because they are freezing cold or just plain frozen half of the year here, also the below zero and other extreme temps like one below don't help if you want to go swimming or jogging, or even leaving the house for that matter, because when I had my long hair it literally froze solid when it's that cold. But I will swim when I can. Like tomorrow.
You have to remember that you are most probably gaining some muscle mass too, so if you lost 21.5 kg total weight, most probably you lost more than 25 kg of fat mass.

Good job :)
Since xmas is over, I went to the scale and checked that I weight over 130kg (285lbs). I decided 10 years ago that I don't make any new years resolutions, but this is getting out of hands if I keep going on like this, I will be like my friend Santeri before I'm 30.

I decided that by the end of the year 2011 I want to weight two digit numbers again. I know I can do it because I have done it once before when I was in the army; My weight went from 117kg to 95kg (-22kg), but then it slowly returned. My primary goal for now is to lose the excess size, as in water and fat, not to build muscle at this point.

So, I have 3 main problems here:

- I don't have a plan or equipment. I've never done this kind of weight loss on purpose before or by myself voluntarily, so I don't have experience how to do it efficiently and thus I need a plan like diet, supplements, exercise, rest etc. I really like to swim, but the place where I live doesn't have a pool and swimming in the icy lakes is not very efficient or healthy for a longer period. There are 2 gyms tho, but I still need the equipment.

- My current weight. Means that I'm pretty effectively out of shape and I am afraid that I will hurt myself and especially my ankles because of it. I also can't do stuff like pull ups because I just don't have the strength for it (yet). I think that those guys who weight like 50kg and do 1000 pull ups on the videos most likely couldn't do much more than a few pull ups if they would have 80kg of weights hanging from their legs, which is similar weight that I have on me now.

- The Finnish weather. It is fucking cold and slippery outside. The next 3-4 months will be constantly below zero Celsius and I just checked that the it's between -15 and -28 in the upcoming week where I live. And I hate that. That is why I would want to do as much of the stuff inside as possible. And because of my weight I don't like running.

I will keep a diary for myself to see some progress (but I will not publish it until the end of the year).

why don't you just buy a bowflex?
why don't you just buy a bowflex?

Because I don't live in the states and I can go to the local gym 600 times with the same price it costs.

You have to remember that you are most probably gaining some muscle mass too, so if you lost 21.5 kg total weight, most probably you lost more than 25 kg of fat mass.

Good job :)

Totally. I also noticed that my 20 lap (1km) swimming time also decreased from ~46 minutes to ~37 minutes after swimming total of about 50km in the summer and on the first three times I was totally exhausted, but slowly increased the daily laps from 10 to 40-80 depending on the day (usually 60), so it seems that my endurance has increased too.