Why obese men should never lose weight

Elysian893 said:
Profanity said:
Situps don't burn fat from the stomach, that's a misconception people make. You only lose fat when your body needs energy and the activity isn't too demanding(over 120bpm) so that it will burn muscle.
you are a fool.

It's true for the most part...if it's done at a quick pace one situp per .75 - 1.25 seconds it burns some fat...not nearly as much as toning your abs, though. Ad weight to your chest and you'll start to build muscle there. Burning fat from my (not implying mine are proven tested true etc. blah blah blah) observations seems to be that a slower steadier pace burns more fat. For example..a jog or a brisk walk will be more effective at burning fat then sprinting instead...which will tone or build more muscle depending on the intensity of the exercise.
Profanity said:
I've learned the hard way. I used to weigh 288lb's(over 130kg). My weight consisted mainly of excess fat which was distributed fairly evenly around my body. I let my weight drop, due to a stress fracture I suffered and major indigestion problems. I now weigh 255lb's(117kg) and my body does look much thinner, except for my chest and abdomen. I recenly discovered that it's very hard to lose fat from those 2 parts of the body and it is unlikely that the fat around the breastbone will go without surgery. So because of weight loss I have ended up with man boobs and a belly which looks like i'm pregnant. I am now trying hard to put weight on, so that the rest of my body looks in proportion.

Do you have any advice for me? Discuss.

Dude, why would you want to put on additional weight at 255lbs????
Thats pretty BassAckwards approach!

If you really need some help, I can give you some advise, as I've been there, email me...