Why obese men should never lose weight

Profanity said:
By calling me mentally retarded is a bigger insult than anything Elysium has said.

According to all my psychological/psychiatric reports I AM NOT mentally retarded and am able to reason.
stfu it's about cheesecake now!
LedByTheReaper said:
Suprisingly no they dont at hardware level.

For the moment ps3 is out it will beat the computers out today at a hardware level. However we all know how fast PC hardware upgrades, PCs will be better a few months if that, after the release of ps3. Now with that said, I prefer online pc gaming over consoles.
-Rivfader- said:
For the moment ps3 is out it will beat the computers out today at a hardware level. However we all know how fast PC hardware upgrades, PCs will be better a few months if that, after the release of ps3. Now with that said, I prefer online pc gaming over consoles.
thank you, finaly someone who makes sense
-Rivfader- said:
Yup we can continue this discussion here since this is a Profanity thread and discussing/arguing nerdy things such as this are best left in his useless spam threads. :lol:
:lol: you're right, it is useless, everyone knows pc owns playstation