Why obese men should never lose weight

Elysian893 said:

profanity start here, and read every single page this page links to. then you might graduate from stupid to ignorant.


Asperger's sufferers usually do give the impression that they're stupid. I find the suggestion that i'm stupid rather amusing considering the amount of qualifications I have and the fact that i'm the more vocal of students in class.
Profanity said:

Asperger's sufferers usually do give the impression that they're stupid. I find the suggestion that i'm stupid rather amusing considering the amount of qualifications I have and the fact that i'm the more vocal of students in class.
"qualifications" and being "more vocal" don't equal up to "more intelligent". you are an idiot, plain and simple. especially when it comes to exercising, although i find that blaringly obvious with the pics i've seen of you.
LedByTheReaper said:
Elysian was a bit out of order. I'm sure you'll sort your problem out.

Thanks. I'm used to being made to look like a retard because I don't fit into what's considered normal. I get a substantial amount of money from the government to compensate for it though.
Profanity said:
as a matter of fact I am going to take some of the advice and start to devise a regular push up routine. Thanks for all your suggestions.

Then just say that in the first place instead of coming up with excuses why you can't do anything about your problem. That's my point.
LedByTheReaper said:
Oi Elysian fuck off, I have aspergers too, yet I'm a member of mensa, and i dont have to result to taking the piss out of the mentally retarded on forums to make me feel big.

you also don't come across as an idiot on a forum do you? at least not that i've seen. so i have no sympathy.
this has nothing to do with aspergers anyways, i was merely responding to the misinformation profanity was spreading about heart rates above 120bpm burn muscle instead of fat.
LedByTheReaper said:
and i dont have to result to taking the piss out of the mentally retarded on forums to make me feel big.

By calling me mentally retarded is a bigger insult than anything Elysium has said.

According to all my psychological/psychiatric reports I AM NOT mentally retarded and am able to reason.