Weightloss Thread

once you get on a routine it really becomes something you feel you need to do every day. Actually I'm at the point where I really look forward to it.

I think that's it right there, for the first few months it was something I had to sit and fight with myself about everyday, I would spend hours arguing back and forth with myself about needing to workout ect, actually there were days where I would spend more time convincing myself I needed to do it than working out would just take. These days I can't make it through a day without doing something, it's become very addicting and enjoyable and now that I'm signing up for races it gives me a huge reason to get out there and try to better myself each time. I never thought ever in my life I would be addicted to working out but give it a few months and it happens...

Anyway, like Britt said good luck to everybody on their journeys, it's tough but rewarding :kickass:
Tony? - That is very impressive, and inspiring. Congratulations on your monumental success!

For anyone else looking for more information and a great site to log your intake of food, try www.livestrong.com and use "the daily plate!" I love it there and their forums.
Almond Butter is expensive here too. Is it any better than peanut butter?

You have to check the nutritional labels...the Almond Butter that I buy is actually pretty close in fat and calories to regular peanut butter. I like it, though, because I've been trying to get away from foods with ingredients that I can't pronounce!

An alternative to regular peanut butter is having something called "PB2".

Powdered peanut butter? Blasphemy!! :lol:
You have to check the nutritional labels...the Almond Butter that I buy is actually pretty close in fat and calories to regular peanut butter. I like it, though, because I've been trying to get away from foods with ingredients that I can't pronounce!

You want to embrace good fats. Avoid sugars, grains, and dairy. Generally. Endurance athletes need some different things, otherwise, do so. I am leanest on about a 70% fat diet, 20% protein, 10% carb or so. I don't measure.
You want to embrace good fats. Avoid sugars, grains, and dairy. Generally. Endurance athletes need some different things, otherwise, do so. I am leanest on about a 70% fat diet, 20% protein, 10% carb or so. I don't measure.

I'd like to know what your triglyceride level is. A 70% fat diet is crazier than a 60% protien diet.
not sure if it's been said but honestly just drink a lot of water. I lost and have kept off the weight now for I think a year and a half by drinking about 6-8 liters of water a day
not sure if it's been said but honestly just drink a lot of water. I lost and have kept off the weight now for I think a year and a half by drinking about 6-8 gallons of water a day

Good to know that you aren't dead ;) That would essentially kill me.

I think conventional thought on water is mostly wrong. I certainly hydrate up before working out, during on sustained efforts; however, I generally drink when thirsty. I probably drink about 2 quarts a day when I'm inactive. I get a bit of liquid from other things as well, such as food.
I'm down from 234 to 208 over the last couple of months. Too much desk work. Just eating less in general I guess, and some weeks I'm in the gym every day, but it's not completely consistent because of traveling. Most of the time in the gym, I'm on a Concept 2 rowing machine, and I've really gotten to love that thing. You can put in a nice, steady workout, or you can kill yourself. Up to you.

My weight loss has slowed a bit because I've been hitting the weights more, but I don't care about the number as much as my shape, level of fitness and overall feel.
And you haven't died from water intoxication yet? Amazing.

Good to know that you aren't dead ;) That would essentially kill me.

I think conventional thought on water is mostly wrong. I certainly hydrate up before working out, during on sustained efforts; however, I generally drink when thirsty. I probably drink about 2 quarts a day when I'm inactive. I get a bit of liquid from other things as well, such as food.

:lol: i meant liters ruh-roh
Hy-droxycut + multiple 50g Protein shakes per day + 2.5-4miles of running 3-4x per week = my goal of dropping 10lbs before I fly out to NAMM. Sitting at a cozy 176, would like to shed a couple extra lbs so I can be a lean mean rock Machine.
As far as the peanut butter thing goes; soy butter is a good alternative too.. tastes just like peanut butter but it's got more Poly and mono fats than saturated....

MEGA Congrats to Tony!!!! I'm actually going to start running again this week - I took a workout break and I'm losing everything that I did so when I start back to work next Monday, it'll be hitting the weightroom at work hard again and running alot.. I do prefer to run without music - as crazy as it sounds, it's good meditation for me... I freakin' HATED running, now I kind of enjoy it...

If I could lose 15 pounds I'd be happy but I'm more interested in just being healthy and happy in the clothes that I have...
I've taken some time off since I got robbed at the gym. I canceled my membership at LA fitness, because, I don't go to get stolen from. I am now at the gym at the university I work at, and I'll be going after work. I was going to go yesterday and today, but my head cold came back with a vengance.
I've taken some time off since I got robbed at the gym. I canceled my membership at LA fitness, because, I don't go to get stolen from. I am now at the gym at the university I work at, and I'll be going after work. I was going to go yesterday and today, but my head cold came back with a vengance.

Robberies at gyms happen too much. Both in locker rooms and parking lots. Its unfortunate. I don't bring anything with me to the gym really. What I do bring I put in a bag which is with me the whole time. Sucks that it happened to you, but I don't think that your problems will be solved by switching gyms.

I'm trying to find a new gym by me where I can get in squats, and some good olympic lifting. Haven't found anything yet...

I'm starting up a new 'program.' Its essentially the one in this book - [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Total-Body-Transformation-Personal-Prescription/dp/0786868511[/ame]

Its a good program to reach a high level of athletic ability, even though on the surface it seems about image. I'm mostly doing it because I want to incorporate yoga and meditation into my routine. But he's also a very successful endurance athlete in areas that I want to be stronger in, as well as other sports such as climbing.
Swapping Gyms to go to the on Campus at the Uni I work for = added Security, since I can just lock everything in my office, where not even the cleaning staff can access, and since I'm IT, I have access to the building 24/7
I would like to announce that I ordered that Powdered peanut butter stuff and got it in the mail a few days ago.

It took a while to get the consistancy to my liking....following the directions on the jar made it too grainy. I found by using more water than suggested it tastes a lot better....a lot less like....Mmm...how shall I put it nicely....cardboard!

Ha Ha!

The chocolate flavored is a little better...a lot less like liquified sawdust.

In conclusion, it is my educated opinion that no matter how low in fat this product may be and however many calories I am saving by consuming this product as opposed to regular peanut butter or even the reduced fat peanut butter, it will never compare to the esquisite taste of my beloved Skippy brand, fat loaded, genuine peanut butter.
On the other hand, will I be willing to sacrifice taste in exchange for looking Friggin' Fabulous in my Iron Maiden bikini come spring?
Yer dern tootin!

Bring on the sawdust!


-Brought to you by the Letter 'P' for Peanut Butter!
It took a while to get the consistancy to my liking....following the directions on the jar made it too grainy. I found by using more water than suggested it tastes a lot better....a lot less like....Mmm...how shall I put it nicely....cardboard!

The chocolate flavored is a little better...a lot less like liquified sawdust.

Bring on the sawdust!

Sounds delicious! Thanks! :erk:

On the other hand, will I be willing to sacrifice taste in exchange for looking Friggin' Fabulous in my Iron Maiden bikini come spring?

WTF??? Pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one