Weird Digi002 issue...

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
Pro Tools LE 6.7, OSX 10.3.5


If I record ready an audio track, no signal will pass through to my monitors, although the meter on the track moves, and I can even listen back to what I just recorded (and hear it just fine). Audio does however pass through on an Aux input. Also, audio WILL pass through an audio track to my monitors, if it is not in low latency mode, but putting it back into low latency mode kills it again.
It does not matter if I am on the internal clock or set to ADAT, the issue is the same.

It's totally weird! I shut my computer down one night and all was great, then the next day it starts doing this. Has anyone even heard of this issue?
never heard of this particular issue, however i would approach it like a problem with any other external firewire device. Try power cycling 002, a different firewire port on the computer, reset smc and pram. re install the firewire driver.
possibly it is a software issue with pro tools... test in another user
hope this helps

p.s by god upgrade your os lol jk
Another thing I noticed about it:

If I record ready a second track, even if it is assigned to a different input, it will make the first track become audible, but not the track I just clicked on. If I then un-record ready the audible track, the second track then becomes audible :zombie:
Any luck on finding out what it is yet?

Just curious case this ever happens to me or something, i usually have bad luck like that......
I'm still not sure what's going on, but it's annoying. When I un-record-ready the second track, it will sometimes kind of make a clicking sound (out of the speakers) that makes me think of clocking issues, so hopefully the internal clock on the 002 isn't crapping out or something. I've done some searches on the Digidesign site, but it's a weird enough problem that I can't really come up with a grammatically accurate way to search for it. Would deleting that volume.ddb file and rebooting help anything? How do I go about reinstalling the firewire driver? And greyskull- how do I trash the preferences? I know my around the inside of Pro Tools just fine and understand the vast majority of it's functionality, but a lot of the background type stuff I'm not quite so familiar with.

It still baffles me that it just happened overnight. I'm really thinking though that if I can verify that it isn't the Digi002, I just want to get a G5 and upgrade to the latest version of Pro Tools- afterall, I already have the legit install discs for Leopard! So random question about getting a G5- since Pro Tools has made a general shift towards Intel-based Macs, would it be a bad idea for me to get a dual core PowerPC G5 rather than an Intel-based system?
I'm still not sure what's going on, but it's annoying. When I un-record-ready the second track, it will sometimes kind of make a clicking sound (out of the speakers) that makes me think of clocking issues, so hopefully the internal clock on the 002 isn't crapping out or something. I've done some searches on the Digidesign site, but it's a weird enough problem that I can't really come up with a grammatically accurate way to search for it. Would deleting that volume.ddb file and rebooting help anything? How do I go about reinstalling the firewire driver? And greyskull- how do I trash the preferences? I know my around the inside of Pro Tools just fine and understand the vast majority of it's functionality, but a lot of the background type stuff I'm not quite so familiar with.

It still baffles me that it just happened overnight. I'm really thinking though that if I can verify that it isn't the Digi002, I just want to get a G5 and upgrade to the latest version of Pro Tools- afterall, I already have the legit install discs for Leopard! So random question about getting a G5- since Pro Tools has made a general shift towards Intel-based Macs, would it be a bad idea for me to get a dual core PowerPC G5 rather than an Intel-based system?

Go to, and click on the 7.4.2 upgrade. That link will take you to all the other upgrades. I'm not sure, but you should be able to install a few upgrades, getting you up to the new "elastic-time-included" 7.4.2 LE, and you'll need to upgrade your Leopard for that one. But, there is a link to Apple for that, as well. You said you might want to upgrade to a G5? What is your current machine?
I'm still on a dual 1 gig G4 with 1.5 gigs of ram. It runs Pro Tools and full sessions just fine, which has been my main motivation for not hassling with software upgrades and compatibility issues and whatnot over the last few years, but especially since Pro Tools has evolved so much, and because there are plug-ins out there I can't use or even test with OSX 10.3, I'm wanting to catch up now. Another reason I want a new machine, is that on the Digidesign site where it talks about Pro Tools 7 compatibility, it specifically says "not recommended" for Quicksilver models from 2002 (which is exactly what I have), even though the computer stats are up to speed. Sucks for me! I'm willing to drop about $1000 or so on a G5, I'm still just wondering if it's a bad idea to get a non-Intel machine...

That applet only works for 10.4 or 10.5, which is too new for me...haha! Is it just the DAE Prefs folder that I need to find and delete?
Well, I'll say this much... If you want to upgrade, I don't think a G5 is the way to go. I bought a new iMac (20" 2GHz Intel Core Duo & 1GB of RAM). That, with the Apple Care Warranty, Microsoft Office, and the 1 to 4 GB RAM Upgrade came to a total of just under $2000. But this bitch is brand spanking new. It's covered no matter what I do to it. And with the RAM Upgrade, it takes the new PT LE 7.4.2 in full sessions NO SWEAT.

I seriously wouldn't drop $1000 on a used G5. I'd save and go with an iMac. Or you can save a little longer and go with the mighty Mac Pro @ $3000. As far as that particular issue you are having... I'm stumped.:erk:
Well, I do know that I don't want an iMac, because I like having a dual screen setup, for the edit window and mix window. And can you install a second internal hard drive in an iMac? Another firewire card?

I don't know what the cheapest Mac Pro is, but if it's really a difference between a $1000 used G5, and a $3000 Mac Pro, the G5 won't be useless and utterly out of date for quite some time, you know? It's not that I don't have the cash, either....I've just never actually bought a brand spanking new computer for a premium dollar amount, and if a slightly older machine can handle what I need it to do, then it just seems hard to justify forking out that much, when I could buy a couple Distressors or a Smart Research C2 or something with that extra money!
I see your point. I just use the iMac for mixing at home. I don't have to track on it, because we have 2 studios for that. So the need for more than 2 firewire ports hasn't come up. And I keep all my files on external Hard Drives when I'm not in the middle of a project. Both the studios run on PC. :Smug:, But I don't own them. I just work there. I guess, personally, I can't deal with the idea of owning a used machine. Just too many perks with a new one. I like to make sure my ass is covered, since I'm a fucking clutz and it wouldn't shock me a bit to have tripped over my dog and crushed my entire mix desk and everything on it, haha.
I think you can go dual monitor with an iMac, and why would you need another internal HDD? The second firewire card I can kinda understand, isn't that what daisy chaining is for? (I've never actually used it)
since I'm a fucking clutz and it wouldn't shock me a bit to have tripped over my dog and crushed my entire mix desk and everything on it, haha.

Hahaha, if you're dog is anything like mine and all the others I've encountered, he/she would be more to blame because of their incredible ability to always lie in the most inconvenient spot imaginable. :lol:
Hahaha, if you're dog is anything like mine and all the others I've encountered, he/she would be more to blame because of their incredible ability to always lie in the most inconvenient spot imaginable. :lol:

Absolutely. She's a very hyper-active 70 lb. APBT. Hard to work around her, but try explaining that to HER. :lol:
I think you can go dual monitor with an iMac, and why would you need another internal HDD? The second firewire card I can kinda understand, isn't that what daisy chaining is for? (I've never actually used it)

Well even if I could go dual monitor with an iMac, it would be a completely different looking monitor and would look weird and asymmetrical on my desk. And a second internal drive would be nice for tracking to, but it isn't required. Daisy-chaining, I don't think has anything to do with a second firewire card...unless I just didn't understand what you mean.
Daisy-chaining, I don't think has anything to do with a second firewire card...unless I just didn't understand what you mean.

Well when you said a second firewire card, I assumed you meant for more than one firewire port, the need for which would be remedied by daisy chaining.
the imacs work with dual display, they have mini dvi out.
the power pc processors will not be compatible with the new os that will be released sooner than most expect (like next year!)
1 400 and 1 800 fw port is enough for my needs.

find the preference file at ~/library/preferences/ throw it in the trash and restart computer
Yeah, the iMac has 2 firewire ports, and you can get a second screen from Apple that does VERY closely resemble the iMac.