Weird Lyrics

Check out the lyrics for "Possessions" from Strapping Young Lad... Always cracks me up.

Vacation, procreation, sterilization, Disneyland! :lol:

That is a fucking cool song, you don't need to scream about disembowelment, demonology and eschatology, or horror to make great metal lyrics.

cryptopsy is the best for ridiculous lyric interpretations
seriously, put none so vile and sit and make some sort of attempt to figure out what he's saying
you'll give up after the first line in the first track and begin to imagine him talking about all sorts of bollocks.
in Paramore - All I Wanted in like uhhh the first verse i think there's a line where hailey sings "it's a shame i'm a dream" or something like that but every time i listen to it i hear "its a shame i'm a treeeee"

and i immediately think of this picture straight after: