Weird stereo monitoring Cubase problem


Keyboard player
Oct 14, 2010
I hope this won't turn out to be a dumb question.

Lately I noticed issues with Cubase 5.1.

While I can hard-pan the stereo out L or R using my audio interface utility (M-Audio Delta 66) when trying to pan ANY track in Cubase it results in sound just sort-of dropping from the middle and no panning occurs at all!

Nevertheless, the levels of the corresponding channel respond how they should - the right meter of a stereo track drops if panned hard L, for example.

Has anyone encountered similar issues? S.O.S!

Many thanks!
Sounds like your main out is mono or something. You can try to hit F4, delete the main out and create a new, stereo one. If it doesn't work, restart your computer, reload the audio drivers, see if the problem occurs in different sessions too, try different drivers just for the test, etc.