Welcome home from Montana!

I've always thought that was an amazing poem, MiniMurray, but since it doesn't mention drunken rambling or stumbling, I don't know how apt it is in describing my situation from Rockin The Rivers. :)

...and it figures that I tried and failed to get the attention of the band throughout the entire show (I even took my shirt off, but no luck :grin: ) and all I really had to do was post on the message board. :) Oh well, live and learn.

And no comments from the peanut gallery, EdwardTheGreat. :)

- Straylight
Now Playing: Iron Maiden - The Zoo (Scorpions Cover)
StraylightNova said:
...and it figures that I tried and failed to get the attention of the band throughout the entire show (I even took my shirt off, but no luck :grin: ) and all I really had to do was post on the message board. :) Oh well, live and learn.
Hey, Straylight, where were you standing during the show??
Let's see...center stage, about 3 rows back, I was the skinny little white guy with the massively sunburnt face, a beer in the left hand, and throwing the metal horns with my right. :rock:

And I only had my shirt off for the last couple songs, after the asshat behind me spilled his fruity-smelling mixed drink down my back. :)

Anyway, if you get the chance to bring the Maidens anywhere close to my neck of the woods, I can guarantee that I'll be there, and I'll drag Edward along with me, kicking and screaming if necessary. :grin:

- Straylight
Now Playing: Led Zeppelin - How Many More Times
You'd definately be at the show, wouldja Eddie-boy? Only if the wifey gave you permission first. :) And don't even try to tell me that you run things - I know how she gets. And, I know how you get. :)

And who you calling a "cracka" anyway? You can't be any more white without being albino. At least I caught some sun during the trip, even if I did turn a color whose closest shade would be refered to as "over-cooked salmon".

Regardless, we were talking about ME, not YOU, and pesky lazy in-laws should stay out of the way of me trying to impress the Maiden ladies, though I think that's out of the question now. Do you see now why I never take you anywhere? You ruin my mojo! :grin:

- Straylight (5 beers down and keepin' 'em comin')
Now Playing: Dream Theater - The Great Debate
So I read on the Rockin the Rivers board that the Commish doesn't plan on having the 'Maidens back next year. Bull-sheet, my friends. Everyone needs to flood that board with requests and/or death threats to get these ladies back next year!

ps Sorry to ruin your mojo ... I've got enough for the both of us, so you can just bask in the warmth that is my uber mojo.
EdwardTheGreat said:
So I read on the Rockin the Rivers board that the Commish doesn't plan on having the 'Maidens back next year. Bull-sheet, my friends. Everyone needs to flood that board with requests and/or death threats to get these ladies back next year!

ps Sorry to ruin your mojo ... I've got enough for the both of us, so you can just bask in the warmth that is my uber mojo.
Ya, they told us that they usually don't bring the same bands back 2 years in a row but you never know. Keep requesting on those boards and you can change old rules! :grin:
EdwardTheGreat said:
Eff that noise. Jackyl's coming back next year ... so you guys can DEFINITLY come back. Even if they don't invite you. Just show up and start rockin. I'm sure Straylight would give you a place to stay ;)
Yeah Jackyl and Great White will be back, same as it everwas. Jack(?) said that they usually don't have the same bands other than commercial headliners return consecutively but they might get an invite for another night. I was sad to see so much of the crowd wander off after Great White. It really didn't take long to switch over bands but they wouldn't let us move gear while they were doing the benifit raffle.

I can still hear the stage manager "You guys are 7 minutes late..." OK, but the whole house crew pitched in to help, even the riggers got into the act.

I want to put a big shout out to all of the guys from Premier Audio and the backline company for taking such good care of the band and making everything sound GREAT :worship: and the great vibe from everyone backstge!

See ya in the trenches, UP THE BLOODY IRONS, MATE!!
metalord said:
I want to put a big shout out to all of the guys from Premier Audio and the backline company for taking such good care of the band and making everything sound GREAT :worship: and the great vibe from everyone backstge!

See ya in the trenches, UP THE BLOODY IRONS, MATE!!
I know I run the risk of repeating myself, but Premier Audio RULED! :kickass:
I wish I had had an opportunity to personally thank the sound and light men (or women!) for one of the best stage experiences I've ever had. It rocked!:rock: