Welcome to the new Jag Panzer board


Jan 22, 2002
Hello all,

This is Mark from Jag Panzer. Welcome to the new board. I'll try to stop by here every few days to answer any questions.

Zac (from the old Mech board) is working on the new Jag Panzer website. It looks totally KILLER, so I'm looking forward to getting it online.

If anyone has emailed me, please be patient. I've got 291 unanswered emails in my inbox.

Some band news - We start recording the new album in a few months (once again with Jim Morris). We're also planning a European tour for next year. I'll post more details when I get them.

Mechandise - I get a lot of mail asking about Jag Panzer merchandise. We'll have a store on the new site. We have new shirts available, so you'll be able to get one.

How many of the band members will be posting here? Just a general question. Anyway, love the band, and all that stuff you will be hearing all the time hehehe.

theodyssey said:
How many of the band members will be posting here? Just a general question. Anyway, love the band, and all that stuff you will be hearing all the time hehehe.

I'm trying to get all of them to post here, but I'm not sure how much luck I'll have.

Definetly me, probably Rikard and John, less likely to post would be Chris and Harry.

Excellent mark. yeah, come tour the states, that would be really sweet. And come up to the northwest damnit! I missed you guys with helloween... i understand it's not all up to you and there are other factors, but i want my Jag Panzer!

By the way, for the record the jag panzer/iced earth show was my first concert ever, so you were the first band i ever saw live. \m/

Finally, any idea about if you will be playing wacken or anything like that in the next year or two? My friend and i make it over there every year and it would be badass to see you guys there.

Hell yeah! Jag Panzer / In Flames / Iced Earth, now that was a killer show, I had never heard anything by Jag Panzer until I went to the show and when I saw Chris rip his first solo, my jaw hit the ground.
Yay!!!!! Let's hear it for Jag F**king Panzer!

Christina from NYC checking in, Mark. :) It's great that you've got this up and running. Oh, and I've got just one thing to say about merch: Girlie shirts. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? (If you need help on styles, etc, drop me an email.)

P.S. Get yer butts back to NYC! :)
