Welcome Total War fans!

Theredintheskyisours said:
Exactly. Hey TB666, how did you link your signature banner with this forum.

O.k. that sentence may be a little confusing. O.k. here: How are you able to click the banner in your signature so it'll send you to the Clan forum?
Use the hyperlink button
Greetings all.

Just wanted to say I'm interested in joining the clan if I could. I've been playing Rome since the day it came out. I've beaten the game with the Germans, Scipii, Macedonia, The Seleucid empire and Brittania, and I play Custom battles to hone my skills as much as possible. What Im trying to say is I don't suck and I have experience with the game. I also am a huge metal head so...

I will say though, I refuse to VS anybody online who choses armies of all Horse archers or Cataphracts...LAme ass weiners.

This is a new screen name for UM forums, I used to frequent here a while back as Frost of the sanctum on the Opeth board.
I am definitely a fan of this game, count me in!

Completed it using the Julii, Greeks, Carthiginians and currently kicking ass with the Gauls!!