Well... here I Am!


A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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Well here I am.... school's out... time for Winter break... I dunno about anyone else... but I'M bored out of my mind... so you know I'll be here at the ole' faithful Opeth board!!! How is everyone doing?? It's been awhile since I've been on with finals and everything.
Oh, you suck! I have another week of school left :(

I'm fairly happy. Some things are happening that have me confused, but they're trivial in the grand scheme of things.
ahh.. yah... this was one of the most STRESSFUL QUARTERS EVER in my life... but thank god... because of depression problems... I was able to drop two of the classes that I feared of failing. Anyways... fresh start next quarter... and it'll be more classes in my major. It's nice to see my family and be away from so much pot, alcohol, etc... I need a break from school, partying... everything... family, computer, and Opeth will get me by until I go nuts New Year's eve... Jayde... I'm glad to hear you're happy... It's been a while since we talked! I'm getting a lot happier!!