Well Here I Am


Hey Gordy!
Aug 23, 2005
West by God Virginia
:wave: I was just told to come here and post from the Anthrax thread. I posted comments about Charlie Bitchante's post on the Anthrax site about Katrina. How come morons always blame Bush for everything? It reminds me of South Park "stupid Republicans". This was a very horrible disaster and it will take a long time to rebuild. It would be nice to wave the magic wand and fix everything but we can't can we. Hindsight.............
Welcome my fellow troglodyte. I just dont see why anyone would listen to a drummer when it comes to politics, after all, you have heard about the bass player who locked his keys in the car, right? it took him 2 hours to get the drummer out. Thats cause drummers are stupid. Well the majority of them atleast ( no offence johnny and steve)

The thing that sucks is everyone who didnt vote for Bush (liberals) take the smallest thing like the president flying over the destruction surveying the damage and bitch about it like he is doing something wrong. I would love to see what they would do if put in this situation...
Bleearg said:
:wave: I was just told to come here and post from the Anthrax thread. I posted comments about Charlie Bitchante's post on the Anthrax site about Katrina. How come morons always blame Bush for everything? It reminds me of South Park "stupid Republicans". This was a very horrible disaster and it will take a long time to rebuild. It would be nice to wave the magic wand and fix everything but we can't can we. Hindsight.............

please read the rules of engagement
Thanks for all the great music, and for the time you put into your website. Have you ever thought of making a Jewcifer T-Shirt with a cartoon Ian? Make some $$$ off his prickness. I know alot of people who would like one, on the other hand, he would probably adopt the name and say the idea was his. Thanks again :worship:
Yes, it took along time to get aid to the people but I would say that both sides should share the blame and just be done with it. It's not a left or right issue, it's a matter of the government on a whole, failing the people. Not Republicans, not Democrats, but everyone.

How long has the levee system been inadequate? Far too long. It's not like the people of New Orleans just found out that they live below sea level. They live in an area where hurricanes are common and they should have been prepared for the worst. People can point their fingers at whoever they want but the fact of the matter is the entire government whether it be state, city or federal level, failed at preventing and taking the necessary steps of minimizing the destruction the hurricane caused. Not trying to be callous or take anything away from how horrible this is, because I am not. I actually volunteered my time and donated money to the Red Cross this weekend, but had they made an adequate levee system, then New Orleans would have not been destroyed to extent that it now is.

Before 9/11 the Federal Emergency Management Agency listed the three most likely catastrophic disasters facing America as: a terrorist attack, a major earthquake in San Fran and a hurricane in New Orleans. So why was New Orleans and the rest of the nation so unprepared?