
"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Posted: December 15, 2005

REUNION BASHING CLUB: What is your opinion on Reunion Bashing Club site and do you agree with its content?
ROB: I think the RBC is great!!! I do share a lot of the same opinions as the RBC. I also think it's hysterical that this website actually exists. As far as Anthrax goes.....they fucked up! The band should have made a new record with Bush and myself instead of doing this reunion thing. I feel like Anthrax lost a lot of momentum by doing this and they also made it a lot harder for anyone to take them seriously as far as "new" music is concerned. They became a "nostalgia" act. When I was in the band, we were playing sold out shows all over the world and the audiencees were always packed with young kids! These same young kids would be singing every word of "What Doesn't Die" "Safe Home" or any of the WCFYA stuff.....going nuts!!! It really felt like the band was building it's fanbase up again. It was proof that after 20 years, Anthrax was still relevant in the ever changing world of heavy metal! This was especially true in Europe where the band actually had a "real" record label working the record. Unfortunately the label situation in America for Anthrax has been screwy since they left Elektra years ago. The record sales have no correlation to the quality of music( it's like that for most music out there today). I also think the band has been mis-managed since the day they fired Johnny Z but that's a different story altogether...haha

RBC: When did you first heard about the Anthrax reunion and what were your first thoughts of it?
ROB: I was actually there when Charlie called Belladonna so I knew about it very early on. It was supposed to be a tour of the 2 line-ups but John Bush wasn't into that idea....I don't blame him!! I wasn't into that idea either. Is this a killer metal band or a fucking cheesy Las Vegas act?

RBC: According to what you know or think, what was the real reason for Anthrax reunion?
ROB: I think there are a few different reasons for this reunion. I think it boils down to the people that surround this band for the most part all boils down to money. I'm sure the management is making a lot of money off this circus. One thing is for sure: The "music" wasn't the reason for the reunion! So I guess that would make all the other reasons.... WRONG!! RIGHT?

RBC: You've seen the reunited line-up live, what do you think of it?
ROB: I haven't seen this line-up live (recently) but I did have the pleasure of seeing some live footage from their last "festival run" in Europe a few months ago.......very entertaining!

RBC: Before the reunion rumors, Scott and Charlie were stating in the interviews that the new record with you and Bush was going to be recorded. Was it really at the planning stages back then?
ROB: I don't think Scott and Charlie really know what the hell they want to do! Who knows?

RBC: How much was this reunion idea enhanced by death of Dimebag Darrell?
ROB: That's a weird question that I really can't answer.

RBC: Some fans complained about you playing the solos not exactly the way Danny Spitz had played them. What was the reason you didn't play the solos "note for note"?
ROB: Well, that's an interesting question....First off, I'm not Danny Spitz!! However, I always respected the older songs and his lead work. If there was a "signature" part or a "hook" in any of the older solos, I always threw it in there and there were a couple of solos that I actually did play note for note. However the bulk of my live leads are 100% off the cuff. With the exception of those "key" parts, most of them are different every night....including the ones from WCFYA! Doing it like that kept if very exciting for me. It's almost like a jazz improvisation approach. Its a lot more challenging to come up with something cool on the spot in front of a sold out house than it is to play it exactly like the record every single night.....on fucking cruise control! I always hated bands that sound exactly like the record live anyway. What's the point? Stay home and listen to the fucking record then, if that's all you want! Having said that, there are plenty of people that loved what I did in Anthrax. I knew from the beginning I wasn't going to please everyone....especially the die-hard old school fans. Even if I did play the fucking leads note for note I wasn't going to please those people anyway so what's the point? The funny part about this question is this: Like I said earlier, I just saw some recent live footage of Anthrax.....Spitz is absolutely NOT playing the leads note for note either! Hahaha

RBC: If you could pretend to have a crystal ball, which lineup do you think will record new Anthrax album?
ROB: I have no idea.

RBC: Are you in contact with Anthrax members and is everything cool on personal levels?
ROB: Yes! These guys are still my friends and there is absolutely no bad blood there at all. As a matter of fact, I'm playing keyboards(don't ask me why) for the big Roadrunner records show and Scott is playing guitar! I saw him yesterday at the rehearsal and I'll see him tonite at the show. There's no bad blood at all.

RBC: Do you feel that you and John "got screwed" or not?
ROB: I feel like this whole thing was handled very poorly from day one. In the beginning of this whole mess, Scott told the press that "John Bush and Rob Caggiano are still part of the Anthrax family" ........Ok cool, if that's the case, why do we have ZERO presence on the Anthrax website? If I was a kid that didn't know anything about Anthrax and I went onto the website today, I would have absolutely NO IDEA that John Bush ever existed! HE WAS IN THE FUCKING BAND FOR 13 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm getting pissed question!

RBC: Scott has stated a few times (even after the reunion happened) that you were the best lead guitar player for Anthrax. Do you feel flattered?
ROB: Of course I feel flattered! Anthrax has been my favorite band for as long as I can remember so it was an absolute honor to share the stage with them every night. Having said that, I feel like all the things about Anthrax that drew me in over the years and made them my "favorite band" ......seem to be gone now!! The attitude, the passion, the fire, the inventiveness,....gone! A band that always did everything from the heart....gone! I'm truly baffled by all of this.

RBC: If Anthrax record an album in the reunited lineup and you are asked to produce it, will you accept the offer?
ROB: That's another interesting question. That would have to depend on a lot of things. My initial "gut" response is NO.....I simply don't believe in it. There are plenty of other great records I could work on. JOHN BUSH IS THE SINGER OF ANTHRAX.....END OF STORY!! Those old records were killer back in the day but that "sound" simply doesn't hold a candle to the John Bush era stuff. When John joined the band, the music got darker and way more serious. It pushed Anthrax to a higher level of songwriting. Why would they go backwards?

RBC: Do you think the reunited line-up "wins over" the fans at the shows?
ROB: All I can say is this: I can't remember one show that I played with Anthrax where we didn't win the fucking crowd over! We were out for blood every night! I don't understand this question at all.
RBC: What's your opinion on reunions in general?
ROB: I wish the Misfits would get back together!

RBC: Do you see any possibility of you and John coming back to Anthrax some time in the future?
ROB: At this point, anything is possible. I can't speak for John but who knows?

RBC: Are you in contact with John? How is he doing?
ROB: John's great. I speak to him every now and then.

RBC: Can you shed any light on Frankie Bello's mysterious departure a year ago, and why he's back all of a sudden?
ROB: Hahahahaha

RBC: Have you heard Alive 2 yet and what do you think of it?

RBC: Have you paid your CDC membership yet?
ROB: Ok, I have to put in a few digs here. This also goes back to what I said earlier about this whole thing not being handled properly from the start.....Have you seen the CDC website? Is it just me or do those guys sound like they're reading from fucking cue-cards? This is my biggest problem with the whole reunion thing....Everything just looks and sounds so fucking contrived! It's the total opposite of everything Anthrax has stood for since their first record!!!! Anthrax was always a "cutting edge" metal band that never gave a fuck what anyone else thought as long as they were happy themselves. It's that very attitude that kept this band alive for over 20 years! They were always steps ahead of every other metal band musically as they've taken about 2,005 steps backwards! For example: I've known Charlie, Scott, and Frankie for a long time now and NOT ONCE has anyone mentioned anything about Anthrax vaccines in the fucking military!! What the hell are they talking about with that shit? That's an extremely poor attempt at getting some publicity!! I wish Scott and Charlie could just step out of their own skins for a day and look at the fucking mess they're making! The fans really DO see through all this bullshit. Don't forget, I'm a fan myself.
RBC: Do you have any proof that we haven't made this interview all up?
ROB: hahaha
wrong. It was posted elsewhere a few weeks ago.
-Your point?

I don't really see Rob re-joining the band as him being plastic. How much different is it than going back to an ex-girlfriend? Maybe it will work out. Then again, like everytime I went back to an ex. It might be good for a while and then you remember why you left in the first place.
Wasnt it also said here first that Rob wasnt rejoining?

Its easy to win lotto if you just pick every number.

no- it wasn't and if it was then it proves , like the interview, that Rob and ANTHRAX have no integrity. Actually, working with a NU metal loser like Corey proves ANTHRAX are so desperate for respect that they once again sold out their fans..
What a bitch boy. This guy and John Bush will NEVER EVER go down in the history books of Anthrax. Him saying Anthrax got better after Joey was canned is BS. Nobody other than young nu metal kids give two shits about newer Anthrax.

I went to 3 of the reunion shows and they were fuckin intense. They were the best live shows Anthrax has done in over 12 years. This guy is just a spoiled little brat that got rejected.

Please name 1 Anthrax song from the John Bush era that will ever be considred a 'classic' in 30 years from now
Actually I said it in january... SO you did hear it first here....

No, Scott and Charlie said he was rejoining in a CDC chat and you stated that you had spoken to Rob and he laughed and called them clowns.

So you said he wasn't joining but now he is joining.