well... I just ordered a mac

as soon as you use something better, you'll know why.

I used to use cubase years ago and have tried soundscape and pro tools but got on better with logic for some reason, probably just because Im used to it.

I remember a few years back it was pretty common for people to have pro tools systems but use logic as a from end. What can one do that the other cant??
It really comes down to what is comfortable and what makes you work more efficiently. I use PT but before I was using Logic Express. Logic has some cool features (freezing audio tracks is awesome) but doesn't touch PT as far as speed and editing, imo.

Try and use some different daws by dl'ng the demos and see what works and what doesn't. Unfortunately, you can't try PT unless you have certain hardware but maybe you know someone closeby that has it.
Logic "Pro" sucks. full stop.

How long did it take you to to learn digital performer James? I've heard from quite a few that it's an absolute bitch but it seems like those that do learn it LOVE it. I'm really not looking to get PT cuz frankly I can't throw down for the hardware so it seemed like my three main choices were logic, dp, and nuendo/cubase.
i found DP very easy to learn... closest thing to PT there is. i don't care to debate my opinion though, i hate Logic. accept it. ;)
Logic "Pro" sucks. full stop.

everytime I look at it it seems to me like

it's ok for midi-stuff, but a bitch to work with in audio-stuff.

in any good DAW I just need to create a track anywhere and it's everywhere..
in Logic you have to create an audio-object, assign shit, create more stuff in the environment and still dont have it in the arrage-window...so again, create...assign....puh, first track done....68 to do....

in cubase or whatever: new audio/midi/group-or whatever tracks...and they are there....everywhere...and connected...and assigned.

the plugins in Logic are very good though..

btw...Logic6 for sale if anyone's interested ;)
i cant say im so keen on logic either, it certaintly dont find any 'logic' in how it works!
pro tools pro tools pro tools, pro tools, sound forge and vegas for me
i found DP very easy to learn... closest thing to PT there is. i don't care to debate my opinion though, i hate Logic. accept it. ;)

Y'know... I'm really starting to think that might be the route to go. Even if it takes me a while to get used to it seems to me it'd be worth it to in the end have tons of editing power on tap and love my daw. I remember thinking at first that cubase was hard but really it was just unfamiliar- I'm sure after getting used to the layout of dp things will fall into place. Thanks James, I usually trust your opinion ;)
dp is ridiculously easy to learn. as easy as protools. the first computer recording system i ever had was mac/dp and i plugged everything in and was recording drums, guitar and bass all live in under an hour. i mean just to route and record audio it is super easy. i wouldnt be worried about it taking long to get used to dp. you can even use the protools layout in dp. dp is more cpu efficient than protools le(on my system anyway). good luck man.
I thought DP was really easy to learn. When I learned Pro Tools this past year I found it easy to learn but I think DP is a little easier to set up and get going. I think editing with Pro Tools is easier though. I want to upgrade to DP 5.0 but they didn't really add anything that made me go "I want that!" eh. Overall, I like DP and Cubase over Pro Tools.
My problem with PT/DP is the midi... the drum editors are crap in both compared to Cubase/Nuendo/Sonar, and I depend on DFHS for my writing.

FWIW, I tried to get on with DP, I really did... I think I went back to it 2-3 times and tried to figure things out. I could get the basics down, but I just couldn't get anywhere close to the speed/efficiency I have with Cubase/Logic for editing and whatnot.

In the end, it doesn't really matter what you use, as long as you're making quality stuff. I've heard guys using Cubase SX1 make incredible sounding albums, while I've heard guys with PTHD ruin them. In the end, it's not what you use, but how you use it. Just pick what you feel comfortable with, and make some cool shit!
sorry to hear that Jeff.. because midi editing in both DP (for years) an PT (as of 7.2 and especially with 7.3.1) is easy and powerful. you just didn't learn it well or something. you only ever had to ask me anything you were having problems with. FWIW, i never use "drum editors" in any DAW... i just create any programmed drum tracks directly in the main edit window.... i find it a way easier and far more powerful way of working.... Drum editors within DAWs seem to me to be, by nature, dumbed down versions of just viewing and working with the midi track in the main edit window. i'm just not into drum editors.