We're having a poll at Royal Carnage and I'd like all of your help...

it totally depends on temporary things like how I feel that day and things like that. eg. I mostly listened to Katatonia in the past 2 weeks, think because I was sad that they cancelled the concert that was planned to be on the 9th of July and I was damn happy that they come again. after, they didn't...
if I had to choose it would be just like my sister when she was little. she kept on asking me whether I like this or that in everything that came to her mind. and when I said I can't choose, the next from her mouth was: and if you must? I kinda hated her when she did this...
haha, little siblings, i know what yer mean, it can be really annoying, then again we we're the same like i reckon and it won't change over the year i reckon.

About this versus thing, i mean it surely is a temporary thing what you prefer if you like both bands kinda equally. Then you prefer one when you're in a special mood over the other perhaps. And if you like one definately more than the other it's useless to discuss with someone, who prefers the other 'party' more, over and over again about it, innit? I mean both won't give in suddenly and say, hey yes you're right, i change my taste now.... :rolleyes:
Morpheus said:
About this versus thing, i mean it surely is a temporary thing what you prefer if you like both bands kinda equally. Then you prefer one when you're in a special mood over the other perhaps. And if you like one definately more than the other it's useless to discuss with someone, who prefers the other 'party' more, over and over again about it, innit? I mean both won't give in suddenly and say, hey yes you're right, i change my taste now.... :rolleyes:
wouldn't it be nice though? saying "hey i'm convinced!". the other party would be so surprised.. :D
right btw, it's elif ;)
course it would be, but it isn't very likely to happen most of the time. but it could be funny to just say you're convinced, hehe you may try it next time, i'd like to see the face then :D
FYI - just to let you all know, the poll is just a bit of fun down at RC. By no means does a vote for Katatonia necessarily reflect a dislike towards Anathema, certainly in my case anyway. :)
Anyhow, I'd like to see a more accurate accounting of UM members and band fans.

I'm sure that posting this link in the Anathema forum is the best way to achieve this :loco:

EDIT: oh, you posted a mirror thread in the Katatonia forum. Nevermind.