Wet vocals


Mar 14, 2011

I know a lot of it has to do with the singers voice and the delay, reverb. But I cannot get anywhere close to this type of vocal mix. What do you guys think is going on with these vocals? The mix I'm working on calls for this style of vocals, but I can't seem to get them this "wet" sounding without being drowned in reverb. Any tips?
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Maybe try playing with a longer pre delay and using a stereo effect on the reverb itself so its still in the mix but not on top of the main vox.

Just some ideas to play with

There's a very prominent, somewhat dulled, mono delay set to 4th notes at the start. On the 2nd section the delay goes out to stereo.

Try sending the delays to a subtle verb (the same one that's on your vocal usually works).

Keep the high mids clear on the overheads and guitars. This is CRUCIAL for vocal depth. I cannot overstate this.

The arrangement also lends itself to this type of treatment. There are a lot of pauses in vocal phrasing that let the delays come through.