What’s the consensus on the Iron Maiden Dance of Death DVD?


Victory is at hand.
Jan 7, 2005
I downloaded the Demon on the Road trailer, and it looked pretty good to me, I guess I’m gonna have to buy it, just to see how they do things off stage and for inspiration on the new songs. I heard once that the video jumps around a lot, but I don’t know; looks like it might still be pretty good though.
Maiden includes one DVD for stereo sound and one DVD for Dolby surround...excellent fan-friendly idea. HOWEVER, they also need to provide one DVD edited by Steve Harris and one DVD edited by someone who knows what they F they are doing! Harris believes in showing four different shots per second in a mistaken belief that fast editing makes it more exciting. No, it drives a viewer nuts! Your eyes can never really latch on to anything. Right as you barely focus on something...poof! It's gone. It would be nice to see some master guitar work on a cool solo for more than .25 of a second. The editing calms down a bit as the show goes on making it at least tolerable. Overall, I'm disappointed though.
The Vit said:
Maiden includes one DVD for stereo sound and one DVD for Dolby surround...excellent fan-friendly idea. HOWEVER, they also need to provide one DVD edited by Steve Harris and one DVD edited by someone who knows what they F they are doing! Harris believes in showing four different shots per second in a mistaken belief that fast editing makes it more exciting. No, it drives a viewer nuts! Your eyes can never really latch on to anything. Right as you barely focus on something...poof! It's gone. It would be nice to see some master guitar work on a cool solo for more than .25 of a second. The editing calms down a bit as the show goes on making it at least tolerable. Overall, I'm disappointed though.

Harris's editing is a big reason I probably won't buy this video. I hated the job he did on Rock In Rio, and also hated the fact that he re-looped Burces lyrics over the crowd because he felt the crows wasn't loud enough.
The Vit said:
Maiden includes one DVD for stereo sound and one DVD for Dolby surround...excellent fan-friendly idea. HOWEVER, they also need to provide one DVD edited by Steve Harris and one DVD edited by someone who knows what they F they are doing! Harris believes in showing four different shots per second in a mistaken belief that fast editing makes it more exciting. No, it drives a viewer nuts! Your eyes can never really latch on to anything. Right as you barely focus on something...poof! It's gone. It would be nice to see some master guitar work on a cool solo for more than .25 of a second. The editing calms down a bit as the show goes on making it at least tolerable. Overall, I'm disappointed though.

That was exactly my feelings too. By the end it got better but the first few songs were particularly bad, it was starting to give me a headache.

Robo - I would say it's alot worse than RIR sadly.
I won't be buying Death on the Road unless I find a used one dirt cheap..if it ever gets released here in the U.S., that is.

I've got an extra copy of the 2-disc set 'Early Days' that I got for Christmas. Anyone wanna buy it for $15 or trade for something??
Puckfiend said:
I won't be buying Death on the Road unless I find a used one dirt cheap..if it ever gets released here in the U.S., that is.

I've got an extra copy of the 2-disc set 'Early Days' that I got for Christmas. Anyone wanna buy it for $15 or trade for something??

Hasn't it already been released in the US - I saw loads of people talking about it on the IMBB ages ago.
Metallicat180 said:
Hasn't it already been released in the US - I saw loads of people talking about it on the IMBB ages ago.

Was supposed to come out on Feb 21. It was gonna be screened in some movie theatres as well. But the technical problems have delayed release over here. Still no word on when it's coming out. No updates on Maidens site yet, and I'm not a fan club member so I can't read their board anymore since they got rid of their free board.
Metallicat180 said:
Robo - I would say it's alot worse than RIR sadly.

Well I believe you; I probably won't buy it then, because I really don't like the MTV style of jumping around the camera in a lame attempt to appeal to my short attention span.

I wonder why Steve didn’t listen to his fans; you that know he must have heard the complaint over the RIO cut. It’s a mystery to me. He is a great song writer though…, no doubt about that!

I don’t know maybe Steve don’t care if anyone likes the cutting or not or if they will even buy the DVD or not. Reminds me of a Rush interview I listened to once, Geddy Lee was talking about how they got into this JazzFusionRock thing and they didn’t care if anyone liked it or not, because that’s they wanted to play, and that’s all they cared about.
And that's sad. You would think that most bands would have learned through Metallica's experiences that you will lose money, fame, and popularity if you ignore what the fans want. They are the people who put you in the place you are in now, and while yes a band has to mature and not play the same music over and over again, you have to be sensitive to what they want.

St. Anger disappointed a lot of people, not to even mention the Napster incident, to the point that Metallica went on an "apology" tour where they played nothing but the classic songs that everyone wnated to hear.

I have said it before; Steve should look at the Live After Death video. That was the best editing job of any live Maiden video. It put you in the concert. and even though I had a copy of it taped from MTV back in 86 or so only to buy a copy in I think 94 or 95, it *still* to this day is the best concert experience aside from actually being there. The editing job in pretty close to flawless, and less is more. Several seconds of focuse on every band member, with the slight balance going to Bruce, just because you have to focus a little bit more on the lead singer. Just from rememberance, I think each shot was about three to six seconds. One and a half seconds is WAY too fast.

Any thoughts? Opnions?
With the music I guess his attitude was screw you I'll make it the way I want, and that worked well, because it’s all about attitude and it shows, but for the video it don’t work for me. Rush lost my attention after Lime Light, because of the JazzFusionRock thing; don’t care for it.
Geddy Lee was talking about how they got into this JazzFusionRock thing and they didn’t care if anyone liked it or not, because that’s they wanted to play, and that’s all they cared about.

In all fairness to Rush they have always shifted their sound with each album. Compare 221 to Moving Pictures. Every time a new release comes out you have no idea what to expect other than bad ass playing. :kickass: :kickass:

Artist should never IMHO "listen to their fans" when it comes to creating new music. I want the music to evolve and grow otherwise it stagnates and the only people who can kick the evolution forward are the artist themselves.

Look at Maiden and compare NOTB to say Seventh Son. Big difference but still Maiden. I'm sure there are folks that bitched that they no longer sounded like Piece of Mind.

If they head a different direction than what you like, such is life.

For the DVD's it sounds like somebody needs to slap Steve Harris. He is a great bassist and songwriter but a lousy video editor. The extent of his "editing" should be the sound only.
