What A Pussy!!! Hahaha!!!

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And Val... wow, thanks for the attack outta nowhere. Why the fuck is this board so full of immature pricks?(THE LAST TIME I CHECKED I DIDN'T HAVE TO SHAKE THE DEW OFF A LILY)

OMG!!! I must have missed that the first time I read it..LMAO!!!! My stomach hurts I've been laughing so friggin hard this afternoon!!!:lol:
You apologized(in your own way), for calling Rob a Pussy, which I assure you he is not. I accept that. Now you have been confrontational with me in the past, I also forgive that, without your apology. So lets move on, both of us should swallow a little pride, this is not what this board is about, in fact thats what I like about it the most. Lets just say we had some misunderstanding & nither of us backed down. And I apologize on calling you a spineless Pussy, you fought back, and are not. But I was upset at the time, & emotion sometimes gets the best of me.............
Originally Posted By Stun:
Is that why that thread disappeared where DE was acting like a bitch towards me? Maybe it just got pushed into the older pages.
I deleted my own thread, on my own, not told to. You as I remember called me names, first. I responded in my own humerous way, & made my point. You kept pushing me further. I did not think it was good for the TlL board, or me, to continue.
I had wanted the Flames wars with you to stop. If you did not e-mail TL site than I misunderstood the message(or other person) that was sent or sent it. But as you said it was awhile ago, but thats how that thread dissappeared, I think I should have handeled this better. But I thought by deleteing it, it was a good way for it to end for both of us. I'll forgive & forget, & respect you more in the future, if you do the same with me, & other people. End of story..................................................
I'm glad you see it this way... except for one thing. I never perceived this as a flame war... I was never angry and my first "insult" was a joke. Actually, the one time I was angry (today) was when I discovered somebody had apparently sent an e-mail complaining to the webmistress, pretending to be me. But it wasn't, and I'm not sure if I have any way to prove it, but oh well... if it was not you, I'm sorry for accusing you... but you and MindInsane were the two who were insulting me; that's why I thought that.

DE, I did have a low opinion of you before, but I see that you are a reasonable guy... so no hard feelings. :) I'm really sorry that this seemed like a flame war; I thought you were some kind of immature prick, but I guess you were just goading me on... so all's well that ends well.

Oh, I just remembered the comment about me taking this too seriously or something... whatever. Think what you like. The only thing that annoyed me was that e-mail shit.

EDIT: If Rob's not a pussy, I take back what I said. I'm glad he's not like most of the other "metal" band members that are on MTV.
sorry guys! didn't realize i was stirring up a hornets nest there...and to set it straight for myself as well, i wasn't attacking the mans personal character, et al...just that he's sold-out to whatever degree making music VERY similar to the rap-rock groups who are raking in the cash, and i think that sucks. probably selfish of me to a point, cause i don't like the direction he chose to "expand" to and feel like i'm missing out on good MH tunes...oh well. my apologies for starting it all, and let's thrash off into the sunset!!!
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