what a town/blackmetalists (contains ranting)


Damage Driven Creep
Aug 6, 2001
Some of the finnish people here might know a person called Satanachia from a notorius band azazel. (Marko?, Horza?, and for Toni I've told about this guy at least). The guy is about 30 years old and has listened to black metal for about 15 years and been an alcoholic for about 10 years. A pathetic case. Few of my friends have been his friends also but not for a while now. you know how the mind of the alcoholics go: I've met this guy more than 20 times and we have talked on several occasions, but still he can't remember who I am. Actually on one "may day" he seemed to be confusing me with someone else who had said something like "fuck you" to him in a bar the previous week. he actually tried to pick a fight with me, and what can I do, I tried to tell him I hadn't been to any bars for a month. I guess the "fight" wouldn't have been a problem since he was pretty fucking wasted. but, we didn't have to go to that length since her girlfriend came to him and hit him in the face (she had a better memory and she was in school with one of my closest friends).

But I'm wandering off from the main subject, but most of that was pretty relevant for this case. Anyway, I and my friends were having a beer at a restaurant and saw him and some A LOT younger guys haning out near the bar (Tampere's only heavy bar Rusty Angel is just 50 meters away). about the others, I don't think I've ever seen them before, but they were 20 years old, tops, one maybe 17 or something. But like I said before, Miikka (Satanachia) can't think very well anymore because of his alcoholism, so they are probably intellectual equals. Well, I and my two friends walked to my car and the two girls we were with left the other way and we heard Miikka and his "gang" shouting something at them (Actually, for all the men on the board, the best pickup-line EVER: "HAIL SATAN!!"). So, we ignored that and went to my car. I drove and while we were passing my friend decided to make a joke and rolled down his window and shouted "hail satan" to the guys. well, what do you know, when I stop at the red lights 50 meter down the street, the guys come running after my car, the youngest-looking first. Well, even though no-one is coming from the crossroads, I wait for the red lights and the first guy gets to my car and he tries to do a jump-kick or something and KICKS THE BACK DOOR OF MY CAR!! Thank you, now the lights change, and I turn the corner, and the guy throws his beer-bottle (which luckily misses since I turned). Well, now I've got a bump on my door because of many reasons:

Why didn't I stay home and study, why we left the first bar we went and went to where the guys were, why didn't I pick the other road, the one that didn't go past them, why did my friend have to make the joke, why didn't I leave the crossroads on red lights, and the one I wonder the most: WHY DOES SOMEBODY REACT TO SOMETHING LIKE THAT WITH VIOLENCE?!

We could have called the police and give the guy a bill for straightening the bump, but it's not so big it would call for that kind of measures. It would spawn some complications also. I'm already too afraid that I get a bottle thrown at me when we play live, I don't want the chances to get bigger. And if I was my friend, I probably wouldn't want to explain to the police what I shouted through that window... :)

Well, violence scares me.
Downfall said:
Some of the finnish people here might know a person called Satanachia from a notorius band azazel. (Marko?, Horza?, and for Toni I've told about this guy at least).

Man, the guy is one of most repulsive people I've ever met. I'd rather spend time with two months ago drowned undead Jim Carrey who's just crawled out from a lake. As hippie I am he gives me this "I want that guy painfully dead"-feeling by just being there.
I'm sorry about the car and everything. But it seems have been partly
your friends fault, at least I wouldn't go and shout insaults to drunken,
as-big-as-a-house-giant blackmetal Lord with loyal successors...scary.
I hope that after this all you still believe in humanity:) at least I do...
Lord works in mysterious ways...
(should I add some smileys or not...?)
Yes, I guess it was partly Pirkka's fault, but so only for so little part that I can't blame him. I still don't understand the whole situation.

The most upsetting thing must be that I'm pretty sure that boy just wanted to pull a stunt like that to impress Satanachia... :cry:
Stuff like this always annoys the crap out of me. But it's always good to know that people like those "evil" BM kids will most likely end up in jail sooner or later anyway ...it's just a matter of time until they fuck themselves up. Just like this "Satanachia" guy...I guess it won't take that long until his body is so fucked up from all the booze he drinks everyday, that he won't even be able to say "Satan" anymore...
At least in here in most of the cases the word is followed by mutual laughter of the people around... ;)

But of course there are always people who write on our metal-bar's toilet wall "I'm league with Satan" :lol::lol:
Eventually those satanic "kids" end up in jail or in an early grave should they continue their stupid and violent "careers". There is no sympathy for them on my behalf, seen/heard of some freaks that make me too disgusted to even think about their acts they've pulled. ;(

@Downfall: luckily nothing worse happened.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Eventually those satanic "kids" end up in jail or in an early grave should they continue their stupid and violent "careers".

:) you sound a bit like my grandma, and i remember telling you before that you reminded me of my grandfather, so i've come to the conclusion we're relatives. :p

i think they end up on a 9-to-5 job in a shopping mall or - if they're lucky - in a bank. feeling rebellious and satanistic seldom ever lasts, it's not even fashionable when you've reached your early twenties anymore.
sure, the lamest of the bunch will act on their outrageous claims, but that's because they're slightly unhinged, not due to blasphemy running in their veins. ;)
i concur that sympathy won't really come from me either. :)

horza, in a tradition that would make black metallers squeal with glee, you're killing me!

the zenith of tr00ness and the nadir of human reason is here:

that guy in drakkar said:
Beside the label I play music in few bands and play also in extreme satanik porno movies. I like to torture and humiliate the image of the women. I'm more an intense person as you can see.

:lol: he's more an intense person, don't you think?

rahvin said:
:) you sound a bit like my grandma, and i remember telling you before that you reminded me of my grandfather, so i've come to the conclusion we're relatives. :p

Am I an old soul? :p
Bah, I am old and that's a fact.

*goes back to her rocking chair*
rahvin said:
he's more an intense person, don't you think?

So intense that if my pals shit and jewish americans come to his country and rape the women, there isn't enough left for him to torture, humiliate and make extreme satanik porno movies with. No wonder he's so pissed.

But I just can't stop liking many raw, ugly, stupid, sick & tr00 black metal bands. Not when they have song titles like "Destroy Your Life for Satan", "Sodomythical Frostgoats", "Hymnvocation of Nazarethian Nunwhore" and so on... Impaled Northern Moon Forest is my favourite, although it's Anal Cunt side-project or something like that.

"Masturbating on the Unholy Inverted Tracks of the Grim and Frostbitten Necrobobsledders". 'nuff said.
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nevershine said:
Darkness And Satan!
:lol: Just that, if Satan himself would have been there, I'm sure he would have made a bumb to my backdoor. (and not in a sexual way... ;) )