what affects what you listen to and when?

My mood, context... availability. It's hard to crank the Maiden when you don't have any in your car! :p This is really, really funny... I was just having a converstaion along these very same lines! lol

I never really thought about it before until you mentioned it, but weather does play a factor. If it's sunny, I usually want to hear something more upbeat, whereas I can sit around and mope all day to other stuff sometimes when it's dreary out (which thank the gods isn't all too often here in sunny Georgia!).
Urban breed said:
I play whatever my mother tells me. :D

Urban, Tesla rules!!!!They are from near me!! Woot!

Just like what you said my mood really dictates what I listen to. Lately its been new Soilwork and new Kamelot. I did go into a big time Schenker (MSG /UFO) Trip for a little while as well as getting reaquainted with Lynch Mob s/t

Bear said:
Urban, Tesla rules!!!!They are from near me!! Woot!
I'll tell mother you like what I play. That'll make her day. I'll tell her you think she's cute too, see how she reacts to that. :D No, seriously, they are good. Can't say I enjoyed their last effort though...don't remember much of it. And to make a serious post here, what I listen to has got a lot to do with what I'm doing, where I'm doing it and ... heh, can't help it, it's just one of those days.. ;) whith whom I'm doing it... :D If what I'm doing IS listening then it's very much down to my energy level and so many other factors it's really hard to tell.
No-Mercy said:
i know, my mood determines it....but what causes it for you? for me it's weather alot of the time, as well as where i am. lol, you may find it a dumb question but im just curious.

I think it's a cool question. Mood for me mostly because it's almost always sunny here. If I get ticked off it's usually Metallica, MOP. But sometimes I'll use the music to shift my mood rather than enhance it. On the drive home from work it's usually better for me and everyone around me on the freeway if I listen to something that's less than aggressive. ;)
Wow, there are many things for me. I listen to music almost all day. Mood is a large factor. Time of day is also. I usually listen to more mellow stuff before I go to sleep. Also, depends on what I'm doing. If I'm in my car or cleaning house, I'm usually listening to something more upbeat and agressive. If I'm working on something that takes alittle more concentration I usually listen to stuff I call background type music (stuff that's not too technical or complex).

Yeah, Yeah, I'm complicated, I know.
well for me it's what need to get done... If I'm working out I need some fast paced metal, if I'm cleaning house and want to jam around it's disco or dance music, for evening relaxation it's David Sylvian, Dead can Dance or Pink Floyd, for commuting to work and giving me a good start to the day it's Tad Morose, and for the commute home stuck in traffic it's headbanging and screaming along with Maiden!
Hmmm..... I guess that depends on mood, how easy it is to find the CD I want and sometimes I just browse through my collection and pick out something that looks good at the time.

Okay, how about this? I just rode 6 miles on my bicycle in about 15 minutes, because I had an sms that the girl I like was in the rock café I'm usually at, kept inside all my nerves while talking to her and got back home in the exact same murderous speed...that created a lot of adrenalin and I need a GOOD portion of Thrash right now!
Coma777 said:
Okay, how about this? I just rode 6 miles on my bicycle in about 15 minutes, because I had an sms that the girl I like was in the rock café I'm usually at, kept inside all my nerves while talking to her and got back home in the exact same murderous speed...that created a lot of adrenalin and I need a GOOD portion of Thrash right now!

of all the things.... you'd laugh your ass off seeing me do that, i can't ride bikes... :eek: