What are ya'll doing the Australia Day Weekend 2003?!


Sep 4, 2002
Without the Darkness
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Howdy, ya'll.
The Pimp NeonBlack here asking what ya'll plan for the Australia Day Weekend (Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th January)?
If ya'll aren't planning headin' up to the Big Day Sell Out in Sydney but still wouldn't mind travelling to get some fuckin' awesome METAL, why don't ya'll come to The RockApe in Canberra on Saturday the 25th of January and catch
Forlorn Suffering
Infernal Method
Only $10 in and some of the cheapest drinks in Australia outside of an RSL. Doors open at 8 PM with the first band on before 9.
The Pimp hopes to see some of ya'll there. Just remember, I'll be the bloke in the bad suit.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Hey Pimp!

I'd have gone for sure but my nephew's birthday is on that day besides I am putting the show on the 1st Feb there so I'll come to Canberra a week later

Hope your show goes well
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
1) Who the hell are those bands?
2) Is it all ages?

To answer your questions Jester:

1. Those bands are some of Canberra and Sydney's best up & coming bands and if you have to ask who Infernal Method are, ya'll ain't spending enough time around these forums. For more info on this bands, try and find if some one will post their website address. I's knows Forlorn Suffering have one and I's think so do Infernal Method, don't know 'bout the other bands though.
& 2. No. The RockApe isn't licenced for all ages gigs. No place in Canberra is really licenced in for all ages gigs except for the Youth Centres and that's mainly because of the insurance bullshit that been going on lately.
Hope that settles that.
The Pimp NeonBlack