Heard the damnest thing!


Sep 4, 2002
Without the Darkness
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Ave all Anthrax fans out there.
This is The Pimp NeonBlack, posting for the first time in your lovely little Forum.
Some of ya'll -like MetalMesugahMan- may know I from other Forums like Dungeon (Australia power metal band), Nevermore (American power/thrash) and the Australian Metal Forum -Full Strength Metal, but I's is posting here right now because I's have heard a strange rumour concerning Anthrax and Australia.
I's was speaking with my's guitarist last night and he said that a mutral friend of ours told him that Anthrax were meant to be in Australia in Febuary and were doing an instore signing in Canberra to boot.
Now, I's don't know how true this is, so I's have decided to ask the people who'd know the most 'bout this rumour.
The Pimp would appriciate any help offered in clearing this up. Either confirming or denying this rumour of Anthrax reaching Australia's golden shores.
The Pimp NeonBlack
I's believe the chances of Anthrax touring Australia are HIGH.
We'll all find out the truth soon enough.....
Stay tuned...
mmm,february i dont think so,its almost here and they should at least give 6 weeks noice for time to sell tickets and promote show,but then again damageplan are doing a stint after japan shows which would mean they are here early march???

we'll see,damageplan and anthrax would fucking rule
In reference to Anthrax returning to Australia to tour this year, the offical announcement was made last night on Triple J's Full Metal Racket program (the metal show formerly know as The 3 Hours Of Power) that Antrax shall be touring Australia in Apirl with Soilwork and any other international band (who's name I's have forgot).
The dates are yet to be announced by they shall be here again!
They shall!!! :rock: :kickass:
More info as it comes to hand.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
I's wanna be a Pimp to..
Sorry, mate, like in Highlander: "There can only be one!"
I's is that ONE!
The One -The Pimp NeonBlack! :rock: :kickass:
But there's no harm in wantin' to be a Pimp. It's quite simple really. All ya'll need to a bad sense of grammar, a tacky 3 pieces suit, a kane and the world's coolest Pimp Coat (fuax-fur is a must). Bad hats are optional, but ya'll must have the Bitches.
I's call my Bitches the bands I's promote and manage. :grin:
The Pimp NeonBlack

To Mr.Thrax,
Mortal Sin should be touring soon as well. After many years, one of Australia's original Thrash bands (up there with Hobb's Angel of Death) will be on the road for more metal and insanity. :rock:
Keep the flag flying for Australian METAL!!!