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fucking excellent album.
Prognostic said:
what do they play? from their name, it looks like they'd play anything from funeral doom to darkwave

funny you say that. they pretty much have everything from black/doom metal to post rock in their music. imagine old ulver, nortt, mournful congregation, blut aus nord and radiohead had a baby. truly different stuff, but great.
What kind of music is Pan.Thy.Monium, exactly? Isn't Dan Swano involved somehow?

Opeth / Morningrise (#4) / "Black Rose Immortal" (20:15)

First time hearing this album as well. I'm very impressed so far. Some of the most beautiful acoustic sections ever. And this song is just amazing.
Dan Swanö played bass and keyboards on the 2 albums (And 1 ep) that they made... it's basically super heavy death metal with a lot of silly experimentation, judging by what I'm hearing. (I love this stuff. ;))

EDIT: Hold on lol, they actually did more like 3 or 4 albums, not 2. :erk:
NineFeetUnderground said:
funny you say that. they pretty much have everything from black/doom metal to post rock in their music. imagine old ulver, nortt, mournful congregation, blut aus nord and radiohead had a baby. truly different stuff, but great.
It was just the craziest description of diedem of 12 stars ive heard thus far. pretty accurate though
lol, then maybe you should have thrown the mars volta in your comparison. just for novelty's sake. but seriously, wittr destroy.