What are you listening to?

Im addicted to this song, I dont know why...(maybe i can scream it pretty good?) just listen to it.

Anyone like Diabolical Masquerade? It's all one dude and he's fucking awesome, vocals kinda blow though

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Just listened to the title track and sad but true/ this means war from the new ax7 record, just wondering how the fuck did that song get someone's seal of approval and get recorded, pure rip off.

New Fleshgod song from the upcoming album FUCK YES!


Every song I've been shown by people trying to get me into this band has been underwhelming, but this fucking SLAYS




Holy mother of fuck I am sitting here with a stiffy right now, this album is going to kick some serious ass.

Hory fucking shet @ this too, and those high clean vox, goddamn