What band shirts do you have?

shh, we are having general music discussion

Johanna said:
Iron Maiden, Metallica, Negurã Bunget, Moonsorrow, Watain, Thyrfing, Nifelheim, Venom, a Bathory LS somewhere... and more

oh and I forgot Nasheim TS.
Angantyr TS
Arckanum - Kostogher LS
Bathory - Blood Fire Death LS
Beherit LS
Bewitched - Encyclopedia of Evil TS
Bewitched - Sacrifice to Satan TS
Burzum - Det Son Engang Var LS
Damnation - Destructo Evangelia TS
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky LS
Exciter - Heavy Metal Maniac TS
Heathen - Victims of Deception TS
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter LS
Iron Maiden - Eddie Rips up Gothenburg TS
Mayhem - Eastern Front 2001 LS
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas TS
Nattstrype TS
Nasheim TS
Nasheim LS
Nokturnal Mortum - NeChrist LS
Nifelheim - Black Metal Attack 2004 TS
Overkill - Wrecking Crew TS
Paragon - something LS
Toxic Holocaust - Toxic Thrash Metal TS

A few of the forever lost ones:
Bewitched - Impaled Angel LS
Toxic Holocaust - Evil Never Dies TS
Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk TS
Metallica - Sad But True (or something) TS
Arckanum TS
Negur&#227; Bunget - Maiastru Sfetnic TS <-- I miss this one most of all

EDIT: And I don't have any more spare Nasheim shirts, dunno if Erik does, bitch in his direction
fotmbm said:
A few of the forever lost ones:
Bewitched - Impaled Angel LS
Toxic Holocaust - Evil Never Dies TS
Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk TS
Metallica - Sad But True (or something) TS
Arckanum TS
Negurã Bunget - Maiastru Sfetnic TS <-- I miss this one most of all

Why are they lost forever?



these are the ones i have
All my myetal shirts? Lets see....

Metallica's buried in there somewhere....
Megadeth - Rust in Peace; Blackmail the Universe '04 Tour.
Iron Maiden - Dance of Death; The Nomber of the Beast; Ozzfest '05
Judas Priest - Angel of Retribution shirt with the whole front is gray with the album art.
Kamelot - The Black Halo '05 tour
Stratovarius - Gotterdamerung '05 tour
Symphony X - Gigantour '05 AUTOGRAPHED!!!!
Slayer - Live Undead
Tool - Lateralus
In Flames