What bands would you like to see come to oz ?


New Metal Member
May 9, 2003
Here's my personnal selection :

Blasphemy (Can) They will probably not be allowed into the country!
Sabbat (Jap)
Abigail (Jap)
Impity (Sing)
Desaster (Ger)
Metalucifer (Jap/Ger)
Revenge (Can)
Destroyer666 (please come back !!!)
Yeah, but only those who haven't been here before....

So, I'd have to say Arch Enemy and Iron Maiden are by far the bands I'd most like to see (that I haven't already). Unless Chuck Schuldiner could be resurrected, and At The Gates and Carcass reformed!
Pretty much all the bands on the Relapse roster. Isis, 5ives Continumm Research Project, Cathedral, Nile, My Dying Bride, Cannibal Corpse, Theory In Practice, Soilwork, Techno Animal, Phantomsmasher, Darkane and if we were on an alternate plane of existance, Godflesh.

To name but a few of course.
Deeds of Flesh
Disgorge (CA)
Last Days of Humanity
Cock and Ball Torture
Pig Destroyer
Dillinger Escape Plan
Cephalic Carnage
Poison the Well
7 Angels 7 Plagues

There are many more, but I would die a reasonably happy man, if i see at least two of those acts before i die.
well i was talking to paul the infernal method manager
and he was saying they were one of the greatest live bands he has ever seen (along with origin)
he said the set is so intense, and that the atmosphere was awesome.
he said u almost feel kind of sick when their seet draws to a close because of the volume and the intensity.
DravenMist said:
are you kidding, or?

i own all three CD's, and i reckon Nihility is one of the best death metal CD's i've ever heard! Obviously it's better than the previous, being that they're older, better musicians. But even after hearing recent live tracks of old songs, Nihility rules over them all, although they are all brilliant.

im not a big fan of it
it lacks brutality, imo
the guitars lack serious depth, the guitarsound is overprocessed and extremely sterile.
also i reckon the kicks are stupidly loud, and it kinda of overshadows the rest of the drumwork and sometimes even the guitars.
futhermore the vocals aint as brutal, i find them kind of average.
and there are too many solos, the album feels like a solo fest with a few riffs to kill time before the next solo.
sure the musicianship is pretty damn good, it just dosent click with me.
i prefer winds, fast, brutal, deep, with a massive guitar sound.
yeah i see what u mean
i dont find winds really muddy
i find it quite well balanced and brutal at the same time.
i guess cos i listen to a fair bit of death metal, im used to a fair bit of "mud" from either bandly produced albums (or stupidly brutal bands), and hearing some sludge and noise grind bands (prosthetic cunt) for one i kinda dont consider decapited (in general) "muddy" when i compare it to other such bands.
haha muddy is a funny word...
i remember nick always used to use that word *screams and runs from the afro* :lol: heheheheh
DravenMist said:
haha, so i hear about the afro!

but it's settled down now i believe...his hair does "what he wants" mnnow

*i'm hijacking the thread a bit* but Nick's doing another band now...there's only two of em, vocals and guitar, but they recorded a demo with three songs on the weekend, and i got it tonight.

It's really good, it's a bit thrashy, but it really reminds me of the old UA stuff, and he's using Awaken Dead Void as some of the material. It's really good hearing Lee's way, and this new dude's Morg's way.

They go by the name 'Malicious Entity'. So one day it's probably worth checking out, no matter how much you probably hate nick, or whatever.

i cant imagine nicks hair doing what he wants it to
yeah i heard about his new band, interesting no doubt ill hear it somehow.. :lol:
i reckon
birdflesh would tear it apart
i forgot id also like to see dying fetus (during the kevin talley days)