What can bands do extra for their fans?


Manly Man!
Apr 15, 2007
Cooperstown and Oswego, NY
What original ideas do you have, or know about that bands can do or have done to better express their appreciation for their listeners? If you were / are in a band, what ideas would / do you have to show the fans you care?

Things other bands have done:
- free concerts
- extended info and artwork in CD booklets
- free stickers / decals / patches in CD case
- download entire CD for free from band website
- complimentary items with purchase of band merchandise

What I would do:
- If I were to release a CD, I'd want to include a bonus disc containing .mid, .tbt, and .gp5 files of all the songs on the album. If this were financially impossible, then they'd be free downloads on my website.

Also, what are your minimum expectations of how bands should conduct themselves around fans?

- use professional courtesy at meet and greets
- reply to wall comments and messages from myspace fans
I would just like to see more reasonable new CD/DVD prices. I think it's about the only thing that could really help the industry at this point...
Don't release things in stupid quantities just to hype the band. 50 or 66 or 100 copies are not acceptable unless it's a first demo or ep.

I disagree and think that some excellent stuff has come out in a very limited edition...case in point pretty much all of Die Toten Kehren Wieder Mit Dem Wind's albums.

Personally, I don't really think a band owes its fans anything. Like Achrisk said, they should stick to making good music I enjoy. Beyond that, it becomes part of a rat race to see who is a bigger fan, which is detrimental.
It's been done before, but should happen more often, and that is this: before touring, bands should let the fans pick the setlist via online poll.

I'm not sure how well this would work, because when Amon Amarth did this in 2006 all the noobie fans ended up picking a setlist similar to what they would have done anyway, the most recent and/or overplayed songs.