what can i do to make my mixes sound more agressive?????


^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007
Hey dudes,


Im trying to make my sound more aggressive and i cant really figure out how :S

ive been messing with eq alot more and if you listen to the early clips to the most recent i think you'll see im getting slightly better. Allthough ovb i need more work :p

I kinda feel like i've hit a wall and could use some help.

My signal chain is as follows Comp>Firebox>POD X3>Schecter Hellraiser

P.s Does anyone know why soundclick cuts out at 4:16? :S
nah its just straight Pod with the criminal model

It's partly that the X3 actuly sounds alittle better than the XT once you tweak the utter crap out of it haha

ive been thinking of switching to impulses actuly but every time i do the guitar sounds kinda far away , i cant think of a better way to describe it

i was just switching off the cab sim on the pod, is there anything else i should try?
yeah your probably right :/

awhile back my right ear got fucked somehow and i cant hear jack shit out of it :(:( I think its something about wax went actuly inside my ear drum and blocked it...basicly means i need to get my ear syringed ANYWAY long story short i keep havin problems with clipping in my mixes cuz i cant properly hear it! its really fucking irritating! lol

Ya know the thing with impulses is i spend like 300 bucks on a pod and to completly avoid it would make me feel...well kinda stupid.I know some guys would tell me im stupid for using a pod but ill level with them and say i dont have a big ass amp to crank its the best ive got at the moment.

Im just kinda waiting around till revalver 3 comes out then ill most likely jump ship.

Im gonna put this out there too....Is there any hardware based sim that can do what revalver does?
ive heard of some thing called Axe-Fx(?) but i cant find it anywhere :S

Ps-Cheers for the nice comments! :D
Dude, the Axe-FX is cool, but so fucking retardedly expensive. The Pod is a great investment; once you settle on a good impulse and setting, it's still incredibly useful, and more importantly, you can just get a good MosFET solid state power amp and run it through a cab for a bitchin' live tone that's easy on the back.
I've yet to get a really aggressive tone out of impulses/emulators. They do sound "nice", but it's the palm mutes that really suck on them compared to real amps. They seem to lose all the definition and attack that real amps have.
i was thinking it was probably the drums that needed changed to sound more in your face. Not too sure what to cut or boost tho

Right im gonna go back and do some recording with impulses on the pod. Is there anything i should do to the settings? like i said before i tried it and while it did sound ok, it sounded far away. It may have been reverb i guess allthough i thot i turned it off lol
Right im gonna go back and do some recording with impulses on the pod. Is there anything i should do to the settings? like i said before i tried it and while it did sound ok, it sounded far away. It may have been reverb i guess allthough i thot i turned it off lol

Don't feel bad, been messing with the X3 and impulses for awhile now and still haven't found a great sound like some of these guys get here. I have found that if I use two different impulses...one for the left side guitars and one for the right side guitars it helps, plus I also use a track with the X3 cab using the 421 mic (no impulse) and mix it in at a lower volume you get a little more definition that helps on palm mutes and individual notes, plus adds a little realism to the sound if that makes any sense. Just my two cents.

I am also thinking of jumping ship when Revalver 3 comes out, but I will probably pick up a used UX1 or GX to use with it. They are pretty cool little units for dirt cheap.
yah man, sounds wicked, to make it sound more aggressive, i feel the drums will be the first thing to look at in this mix, listen to the kick and think about the guitars. in this mix, i think the kicks sounding a bit to wet, lamb of god like. u want something more solid, with more attack for the sound i think ur tryin to get. try maybe taking the kick u have and mix it in with another one because i quite like the fullness in the bottom end of it. the snare feels quite thin, try using gclip to make it louder and a tad thicker, parallel compression also works well. the cymbals sound quite thin also, and abit quiet...

just a few thoughts to play around in ur mind. its a tough job making drums sound amazing, especially if there programmed lol

cymbols are always a pain lol

i wud love to have a go at mixing it, for experimental reasons only, havent had a play with much lead stuff before. only bits and bobs
yeah your probably right :/

awhile back my right ear got fucked somehow and i cant hear jack shit out of it :(:( I think its something about wax went actuly inside my ear drum and blocked it...basicly means i need to get my ear syringed ANYWAY long story short i keep havin problems with clipping in my mixes cuz i cant properly hear it! its really fucking irritating! lol
the thing is you don't have to hear it to notice most clipping, just look at your faders, if anything is going into the red then it's clipping...even with a limiter on
you should mix everything so that nothing goes in the red

i haven't heard your music, but thems the rules with digital mixing
they recommend you keep things peaking at -2db
cut as much as you can & raise little
i wud love to have a go at mixing it, for experimental reasons only, havent had a play with much lead stuff before. only bits and bobs

Man that'd be cool as hell are the serious about that?

ive been working on a new track with the help i found here and its almost starting to come together.

Thanks for the tip on the clipping i actuly cant believe i could be that stupid haha
yup all individual tracks, Midi file for drums wud be great, shove it all into a zip folder and upload onto net :)

it will personally take a while before i can do anything as my comp just screwed up and still need to send it off to be looked at.

theres a million guys here that will do a better job than me, it looks like people are always looking for random stuff to mix, unless they are indeed have more than enough to do already. but i'm a newb and love playing around with stuff
I suggest you to get a good tube preamp rather than a pod..If you need one tone, preamps are better..Maybe you should check out sansamp psa-1..I've got an engl e530 and a radial tonebone.they are owning with impulses.